TESLA: Taylor Expanded Solar Analog Forecasting
Bengu Akyurek, Alper Sinan Akyurek, Jan Kleissl, Tajana Simunic Rosing

Bengu Akyurek, Alper Sinan Akyurek, Jan Kleissl, Tajana Simunic Rosing. "TESLA: Taylor Expanded Solar Analog Forecasting". 2014 IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), 6, 3, November, 2014.

With the increasing penetration of renewable energy resources within the Smart Grid, solar forecasting has become an important problem for hour-ahead and day-ahead planning. Within this work, we analyze the Analog Forecast method family, which uses past observations to improve the forecast product. We first show that the frequently used euclidean distance metric has drawbacks and leads to poor performance relatively. In this paper, we introduce a new method, TESLA forecasting, which is very fast and light, and we show through case studies that we can beat the persistence method, a state of the art comparison method, by up-to 50% in terms of root mean square error to give an accurate forecasting result. An extension is also provided to improve the forecast accuracy by decreasing the forecast horizon.

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  • HTML
    Bengu Akyurek, Alper Sinan Akyurek, Jan Kleissl, Tajana
    Simunic Rosing. <a
    >TESLA: Taylor Expanded Solar Analog
    Forecasting</a>, 2014 IEEE International Conference on
    Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), 6, 3, November,
  • Plain text
    Bengu Akyurek, Alper Sinan Akyurek, Jan Kleissl, Tajana
    Simunic Rosing. "TESLA: Taylor Expanded Solar Analog
    Forecasting". 2014 IEEE International Conference on
    Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), 6, 3, November,
  • BibTeX
        author = {Bengu Akyurek and Alper Sinan Akyurek and Jan
                  Kleissl and Tajana Simunic Rosing},
        title = {TESLA: Taylor Expanded Solar Analog Forecasting},
        booktitle = {2014 IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid
                  Communications (SmartGridComm)},
        pages = {6},
        day = {3},
        month = {November},
        year = {2014},
        abstract = {With the increasing penetration of renewable
                  energy resources within the Smart Grid, solar
                  forecasting has become an important problem for
                  hour-ahead and day-ahead planning. Within this
                  work, we analyze the Analog Forecast method
                  family, which uses past observations to improve
                  the forecast product. We first show that the
                  frequently used euclidean distance metric has
                  drawbacks and leads to poor performance
                  relatively. In this paper, we introduce a new
                  method, TESLA forecasting, which is very fast and
                  light, and we show through case studies that we
                  can beat the persistence method, a state of the
                  art comparison method, by up-to 50% in terms of
                  root mean square error to give an accurate
                  forecasting result. An extension is also provided
                  to improve the forecast accuracy by decreasing the
                  forecast horizon.},
        URL = {http://terraswarm.org/pubs/343.html}

Posted by Alper Sinan Akyurek on 8 Aug 2014.

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