A New Approach for Synthesizing Opacity-Enforcing Supervisors for Partially-Observed Discrete-Event Systems
Xiang Yin, Stephane Lafortune

Xiang Yin, Stephane Lafortune. "A New Approach for Synthesizing Opacity-Enforcing Supervisors for Partially-Observed Discrete-Event Systems". 2015 American Control Conference (ACC), 1, July, 2015.

Opacity is a confidentiality property for partially observed discrete-event systems relevant to the analysis of security and privacy in cyber and cyber-physical systems. It captures the plausible deniability of the system's "secret" in the presence of an outside observer that is potentially malicious. In this paper, we consider the enforcement of opacity on systems modeled by finite-state automata. We assume that the given system is not opaque and the objective is to restrict its behavior by supervisory control in order to enforce opacity of its secret. We consider the general setting of supervisory control under partial observations where the controllable events need not all be observable. Our approach for the synthesis of an opacity enforcing supervisor is based on the construction of a new transition system that we call the "All Inclusive Controller for Opacity" (or AIC-O). The AIC-O is a finite bipartite transition system that embeds in its transition structure all valid opacity enforcing supervisors. We present an algorithm for the construction of the AIC-O and discuss its properties. We then develop a synthesis algorithm, based on the AICO, that constructs a "maximally permissive" opacity-enforcing supervisor. Our approach generalizes previous approaches in the literature for opacity enforcement by supervisory control.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Xiang Yin, Stephane Lafortune. <a
    >A New Approach for Synthesizing Opacity-Enforcing
    Supervisors for Partially-Observed Discrete-Event
    Systems</a>, 2015 American Control Conference (ACC),
    1, July, 2015.
  • Plain text
    Xiang Yin, Stephane Lafortune. "A New Approach for
    Synthesizing Opacity-Enforcing Supervisors for
    Partially-Observed Discrete-Event Systems". 2015
    American Control Conference (ACC), 1, July, 2015.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Xiang Yin and Stephane Lafortune},
        title = {A New Approach for Synthesizing Opacity-Enforcing
                  Supervisors for Partially-Observed Discrete-Event
        booktitle = {2015 American Control Conference (ACC)},
        day = {1},
        month = {July},
        year = {2015},
        abstract = {Opacity is a confidentiality property for
                  partially observed discrete-event systems relevant
                  to the analysis of security and privacy in cyber
                  and cyber-physical systems. It captures the
                  plausible deniability of the system's "secret" in
                  the presence of an outside observer that is
                  potentially malicious. In this paper, we consider
                  the enforcement of opacity on systems modeled by
                  finite-state automata. We assume that the given
                  system is not opaque and the objective is to
                  restrict its behavior by supervisory control in
                  order to enforce opacity of its secret. We
                  consider the general setting of supervisory
                  control under partial observations where the
                  controllable events need not all be observable.
                  Our approach for the synthesis of an opacity
                  enforcing supervisor is based on the construction
                  of a new transition system that we call the "All
                  Inclusive Controller for Opacity" (or AIC-O). The
                  AIC-O is a finite bipartite transition system that
                  embeds in its transition structure all valid
                  opacity enforcing supervisors. We present an
                  algorithm for the construction of the AIC-O and
                  discuss its properties. We then develop a
                  synthesis algorithm, based on the AICO, that
                  constructs a "maximally permissive"
                  opacity-enforcing supervisor. Our approach
                  generalizes previous approaches in the literature
                  for opacity enforcement by supervisory control.},
        URL = {http://terraswarm.org/pubs/379.html}

Posted by Barb Hoversten on 29 Sep 2014.
Groups: services

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