Minimal Actuator Placement with Optimal Control Constraints
Vasileios Tzoumas, Mohammad Amin Rahimian, George Pappas, Ali Jadbabaie

Vasileios Tzoumas, Mohammad Amin Rahimian, George Pappas, Ali Jadbabaie. "Minimal Actuator Placement with Optimal Control Constraints". 2015 American Control Conference (ACC), IEEE, 2081-2086, 1, July, 2015.

We introduce the problem of minimal actuator placement in a linear control system so that a bound on the minimum control effort for a given state transfer is satisfied while controllability is ensured. We first show that this is an NP-hard problem following the recent work of Olshevsky. Next, we prove that this problem has a supermodular structure. Afterwards, we provide an efficient algorithm that approximates up to a multiplicative factor of O(logn) any optimal actuator set that meets the specified energy criterion, where n is the size of the multi-agent network. Moreover, we show that this is the best approximation factor one can achieve in polynomial-time for the worst case. Finally, we test this algorithm over large Erdos-Renyi random networks to further demonstrate its efficiency.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Vasileios Tzoumas, Mohammad Amin Rahimian, George Pappas,
    Ali Jadbabaie. <a
    >Minimal Actuator Placement with Optimal Control
    Constraints</a>, 2015 American Control Conference
    (ACC), IEEE, 2081-2086, 1, July, 2015.
  • Plain text
    Vasileios Tzoumas, Mohammad Amin Rahimian, George Pappas,
    Ali Jadbabaie. "Minimal Actuator Placement with Optimal
    Control Constraints". 2015 American Control Conference
    (ACC), IEEE, 2081-2086, 1, July, 2015.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Vasileios Tzoumas and Mohammad Amin Rahimian and
                  George Pappas and Ali Jadbabaie},
        title = {Minimal Actuator Placement with Optimal Control
        booktitle = {2015 American Control Conference (ACC)},
        organization = {IEEE},
        pages = {2081-2086},
        day = {1},
        month = {July},
        year = {2015},
        abstract = {We introduce the problem of minimal actuator
                  placement in a linear control system so that a
                  bound on the minimum control effort for a given
                  state transfer is satisfied while controllability
                  is ensured. We first show that this is an NP-hard
                  problem following the recent work of Olshevsky.
                  Next, we prove that this problem has a
                  supermodular structure. Afterwards, we provide an
                  efficient algorithm that approximates up to a
                  multiplicative factor of O(logn) any optimal
                  actuator set that meets the specified energy
                  criterion, where n is the size of the multi-agent
                  network. Moreover, we show that this is the best
                  approximation factor one can achieve in
                  polynomial-time for the worst case. Finally, we
                  test this algorithm over large Erdos-Renyi random
                  networks to further demonstrate its efficiency.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Vasileios Tzoumas on 30 Sep 2014.
Groups: terraswarm

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