Reactive synthesis from Promela
Ioannis Filippidis, Richard Murray, Gerard Holzmann

Ioannis Filippidis, Richard Murray, Gerard Holzmann. "Reactive synthesis from Promela". Talk or presentation, 29, October, 2014.

This work extends the modeling language Promela for describing constraints on the behavior of systems reacting to an adversarial environment, together with assumptions on the environment. The aim is to develop an input formalism for temporal logic synthesis tools that is more practical to use and scales better than other existing approaches, as for example directly writing logic formulas or defining graph structures. Promela is an imperative programming language used for verification of closed systems that can represent non-determinism. We extend it in two main directions, by introducing the notions of controllability for variables and integrating imperative with declarative semantics. Uncontrollable processes and variables are used to model assumptions about the environment. Imperative semantics reduce the amount of constraints that need to be explicitly expressed when writing a model. Selected variables can be declared as free for the synthesis tool to specify their behavior, so as to satisfy the given specification. Similarly, non-determinism inside controlled processes can be resolved during synthesis. As a result, open reactive systems can be represented in Promela. The implementation is written in Python and comprises of a Promela parser and translation backend to temporal logic formats accepted by existing Generalized Reactivity-1 synthesis tools.

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  • HTML
    Ioannis Filippidis, Richard Murray, Gerard Holzmann. <a
    ><i>Reactive synthesis from
    Promela</i></a>, Talk or presentation,  29,
    October, 2014.
  • Plain text
    Ioannis Filippidis, Richard Murray, Gerard Holzmann.
    "Reactive synthesis from Promela". Talk or
    presentation,  29, October, 2014.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Ioannis Filippidis and Richard Murray and Gerard
        title = {Reactive synthesis from Promela},
        day = {29},
        month = {October},
        year = {2014},
        abstract = {This work extends the modeling language Promela
                  for describing constraints on the behavior of
                  systems reacting to an adversarial environment,
                  together with assumptions on the environment. The
                  aim is to develop an input formalism for temporal
                  logic synthesis tools that is more practical to
                  use and scales better than other existing
                  approaches, as for example directly writing logic
                  formulas or defining graph structures. Promela is
                  an imperative programming language used for
                  verification of closed systems that can represent
                  non-determinism. We extend it in two main
                  directions, by introducing the notions of
                  controllability for variables and integrating
                  imperative with declarative semantics.
                  Uncontrollable processes and variables are used to
                  model assumptions about the environment.
                  Imperative semantics reduce the amount of
                  constraints that need to be explicitly expressed
                  when writing a model. Selected variables can be
                  declared as free for the synthesis tool to specify
                  their behavior, so as to satisfy the given
                  specification. Similarly, non-determinism inside
                  controlled processes can be resolved during
                  synthesis. As a result, open reactive systems can
                  be represented in Promela. The implementation is
                  written in Python and comprises of a Promela
                  parser and translation backend to temporal logic
                  formats accepted by existing Generalized
                  Reactivity-1 synthesis tools.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Ioannis Filippidis on 28 Oct 2014.
Groups: tools

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