Approximate Motion Planning for Constrained Switched Systems
Ivan Papusha, Richard Murray

Ivan Papusha, Richard Murray. "Approximate Motion Planning for Constrained Switched Systems". Talk or presentation, 30, October, 2014; Poster presented at the 2014 TerraSwarm Annual Meeting.

In this work we are focused on developing novel state of the art algorithms for constrained motion planning of dynamic agents, such as robotic vehicles, manipulators, and walkers, with a view toward applications to single- and multi-agent hybrid systems and their formal verification. In the proposed framework inspired by approximate dynamic programming, easily computable lower and upper bound approximations are made on a global value function, with a different approximation for every mode. Candidate bounds are characterized by semi-infinite constraints, which are carefully discretized in an adaptive branch and bound scheme that aims to delay the onset of the curse of dimensionality. The best bounds are chosen by optimization. The result is a complete planner whose implementation benefits from advances in distributed optimization and formal methods. Such planners are amenable to generic implementation on a decentralized platform, and a robotic demo meant to showcase the technology is envisioned.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Ivan Papusha, Richard Murray. <a
    Motion Planning for Constrained Switched
    Systems</i></a>, Talk or presentation,  30,
    October, 2014; Poster presented at the <a
    >2014 TerraSwarm Annual Meeting</a>.
  • Plain text
    Ivan Papusha, Richard Murray. "Approximate Motion
    Planning for Constrained Switched Systems". Talk or
    presentation,  30, October, 2014; Poster presented at the
    >2014 TerraSwarm Annual Meeting</a>.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Ivan Papusha and Richard Murray},
        title = {Approximate Motion Planning for Constrained
                  Switched Systems},
        day = {30},
        month = {October},
        year = {2014},
        note = {Poster presented at the <a
                  >2014 TerraSwarm Annual Meeting</a>.},
        abstract = {In this work we are focused on developing novel
                  state of the art algorithms for constrained motion
                  planning of dynamic agents, such as robotic
                  vehicles, manipulators, and walkers, with a view
                  toward applications to single- and multi-agent
                  hybrid systems and their formal verification. In
                  the proposed framework inspired by approximate
                  dynamic programming, easily computable lower and
                  upper bound approximations are made on a global
                  value function, with a different approximation for
                  every mode. Candidate bounds are characterized by
                  semi-infinite constraints, which are carefully
                  discretized in an adaptive branch and bound scheme
                  that aims to delay the onset of the curse of
                  dimensionality. The best bounds are chosen by
                  optimization. The result is a complete planner
                  whose implementation benefits from advances in
                  distributed optimization and formal methods. Such
                  planners are amenable to generic implementation on
                  a decentralized platform, and a robotic demo meant
                  to showcase the technology is envisioned.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Ivan Papusha on 29 Oct 2014.
Groups: services

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