An Approximately Truthful Mechanism for Electric Vehicle Charging via Joint Differential Privacy
Shuo Han, Ufuk Topcu, George Pappas

Shuo Han, Ufuk Topcu, George Pappas. "An Approximately Truthful Mechanism for Electric Vehicle Charging via Joint Differential Privacy". American Control Conference 2015, 1, July, 2015.

In electric vehicle (EV) charging, the goal is to compute a charging schedule that meets all user specifications while minimizing the influence on the power grid. Usually, an optimal schedule is computed by a central authority (called mediator) according to the specifications reported by the users. A desirable property of this procedure is to ensure that participating users truthfully report their specifications rather than maliciously manipulate the scheduling process by misreporting. In this work, we show that approximate truthfulness can be attained by adopting the popular notion of (joint) differential privacy. Joint differential privacy can limit the power of each user in manipulating the scheduling process by remaining insensitive to changes in user specifications. As a result, a user does not benefit much from misreporting his specifications, which leads to truth-telling behaviors.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Shuo Han, Ufuk Topcu, George Pappas. <a
    >An Approximately Truthful Mechanism for Electric Vehicle
    Charging via Joint Differential Privacy</a>, American
    Control Conference 2015, 1, July, 2015.
  • Plain text
    Shuo Han, Ufuk Topcu, George Pappas. "An Approximately
    Truthful Mechanism for Electric Vehicle Charging via Joint
    Differential Privacy". American Control Conference
    2015, 1, July, 2015.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Shuo Han and Ufuk Topcu and George Pappas},
        title = {An Approximately Truthful Mechanism for Electric
                  Vehicle Charging via Joint Differential Privacy},
        booktitle = {American Control Conference 2015},
        day = {1},
        month = {July},
        year = {2015},
        abstract = {In electric vehicle (EV) charging, the goal is to
                  compute a charging schedule that meets all user
                  specifications while minimizing the influence on
                  the power grid. Usually, an optimal schedule is
                  computed by a central authority (called mediator)
                  according to the specifications reported by the
                  users. A desirable property of this procedure is
                  to ensure that participating users truthfully
                  report their specifications rather than
                  maliciously manipulate the scheduling process by
                  misreporting. In this work, we show that
                  approximate truthfulness can be attained by
                  adopting the popular notion of (joint)
                  differential privacy. Joint differential privacy
                  can limit the power of each user in manipulating
                  the scheduling process by remaining insensitive to
                  changes in user specifications. As a result, a
                  user does not benefit much from misreporting his
                  specifications, which leads to truth-telling
                  behaviors. },
        URL = {}

Posted by Barb Hoversten on 3 Nov 2014.
Groups: services

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