Receding Horizon Control Synthesis for Signal Temporal Logic Specifications
Vasu Raman, Alexandre Donze, Richard Murray, Sanjit Seshia

Vasu Raman, Alexandre Donze, Richard Murray, Sanjit Seshia. "Receding Horizon Control Synthesis for Signal Temporal Logic Specifications". Talk or presentation, 29, October, 2014; Poster presented at the 2014 TerraSwarm Annual Meeting.

We present a mathematical programming-based method for model predictive control of discrete-time cyber-physical systems subject to signal temporal logic (STL) specifications. We describe the use of STL to specify a wide range of properties of these systems, including safety, response and bounded liveness. For synthesis, we encode STL specifications as mixed integer-linear constraints on the variables of a discrete-time model of the system, and solve an optimization problem at each step of a model predictive control framework. We also present a counterexample-guided inductive synthesis approach to controller synthesis for systems operating in potentially adversarial nondeterministic environments. We present experimental results for controller synthesis for case studies in building climate control and autonomous driving.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Vasu Raman, Alexandre Donze, Richard Murray, Sanjit Seshia.
    Horizon Control Synthesis for Signal Temporal Logic
    Specifications</i></a>, Talk or presentation, 
    29, October, 2014;  Poster presented at the <a
    >2014 TerraSwarm Annual Meeting</a>.
  • Plain text
    Vasu Raman, Alexandre Donze, Richard Murray, Sanjit Seshia.
    "Receding Horizon Control Synthesis for Signal Temporal
    Logic Specifications". Talk or presentation,  29,
    October, 2014;  Poster presented at the <a
    >2014 TerraSwarm Annual Meeting</a>.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Vasu Raman and Alexandre Donze and Richard Murray
                  and Sanjit Seshia},
        title = {Receding Horizon Control Synthesis for Signal
                  Temporal Logic Specifications},
        day = {29},
        month = {October},
        year = {2014},
        note = { Poster presented at the <a
                  >2014 TerraSwarm Annual Meeting</a>.},
        abstract = {We present a mathematical programming-based method
                  for model predictive control of discrete-time
                  cyber-physical systems subject to signal temporal
                  logic (STL) specifications. We describe the use of
                  STL to specify a wide range of properties of these
                  systems, including safety, response and bounded
                  liveness. For synthesis, we encode STL
                  specifications as mixed integer-linear constraints
                  on the variables of a discrete-time model of the
                  system, and solve an optimization problem at each
                  step of a model predictive control framework. We
                  also present a counterexample-guided inductive
                  synthesis approach to controller synthesis for
                  systems operating in potentially adversarial
                  nondeterministic environments. We present
                  experimental results for controller synthesis for
                  case studies in building climate control and
                  autonomous driving. },
        URL = {}

Posted by Vasu Raman on 10 Nov 2014.
Groups: tools

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