An Accessible Platform for Exploring Haptic Interactions with Co-located Capacitive and Piezoresistive Sensors
Adrian Freed, David Wessel

Adrian Freed, David Wessel. "An Accessible Platform for Exploring Haptic Interactions with Co-located Capacitive and Piezoresistive Sensors". TEI 2015, ACM (ed.), January, 2015.

This paper introduces an open research platform for exploring haptic interactions with co-located, capacitive and piezoresistive sensors. The solution uses readily available material, hardware and software components and allows for experiments on many system levels from low-level material concerns up to high-level sensor fusion software. This provides the HCI community with a platform to accelerate explorations of the many applications that have opened up of sensor fusion in haptic interaction.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Adrian Freed, David Wessel. <a
    >An Accessible Platform for Exploring Haptic Interactions
    with Co-located Capacitive and Piezoresistive
    Sensors</a>, TEI 2015, ACM (ed.), January, 2015.
  • Plain text
    Adrian Freed, David Wessel. "An Accessible Platform for
    Exploring Haptic Interactions with Co-located Capacitive and
    Piezoresistive Sensors". TEI 2015, ACM (ed.), January,
  • BibTeX
        author = {Adrian Freed and David Wessel},
        title = {An Accessible Platform for Exploring Haptic
                  Interactions with Co-located Capacitive and
                  Piezoresistive Sensors},
        booktitle = {TEI 2015},
        editor = {ACM},
        month = {January},
        year = {2015},
        abstract = {This paper introduces an open research platform
                  for exploring haptic interactions with co-located,
                  capacitive and piezoresistive sensors. The
                  solution uses readily available material, hardware
                  and software components and allows for experiments
                  on many system levels from low-level material
                  concerns up to high-level sensor fusion software.
                  This provides the HCI community with a platform to
                  accelerate explorations of the many applications
                  that have opened up of sensor fusion in haptic
        URL = {}

Posted by Adrian Freed on 10 Nov 2014.

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