Mixed-Integer Linear Programming for Planning with Temporal Logic Tasks [Position Paper]
Vasu Raman, Eric Wolff

Vasu Raman, Eric Wolff. "Mixed-Integer Linear Programming for Planning with Temporal Logic Tasks [Position Paper]". AAAI-15 Workshop on Planning, Search, and Optimization, 2015.

We are concerned with controlling dynamical systems, such as self-driving cars and smart buildings, in a manner that guarantees that they satisfy complex task specifications. Mixed integer linear programming has recently proven to be a powerful tool for such problems, enabling the computation of optimal plans that satisfy complex temporal constraints for high-dimensional, dynamical systems. These optimization-based approaches find solutions quickly for challenging (and previously unsolvable) planning problems. Framing temporal logic planning as constrained optimization also presents exciting new areas of research.

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  • HTML
    Vasu Raman, Eric Wolff. <a
    >Mixed-Integer Linear Programming for Planning with
    Temporal Logic Tasks [Position Paper]</a>, AAAI-15
    Workshop on Planning, Search, and Optimization, 2015.
  • Plain text
    Vasu Raman, Eric Wolff. "Mixed-Integer Linear
    Programming for Planning with Temporal Logic Tasks [Position
    Paper]". AAAI-15 Workshop on Planning, Search, and
    Optimization, 2015.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Vasu Raman and Eric Wolff},
        title = {Mixed-Integer Linear Programming for Planning with
                  Temporal Logic Tasks [Position Paper]},
        booktitle = {AAAI-15 Workshop on Planning, Search, and
        year = {2015},
        abstract = {We are concerned with controlling dynamical
                  systems, such as self-driving cars and smart
                  buildings, in a manner that guarantees that they
                  satisfy complex task specifications. Mixed integer
                  linear programming has recently proven to be a
                  powerful tool for such problems, enabling the
                  computation of optimal plans that satisfy complex
                  temporal constraints for high-dimensional,
                  dynamical systems. These optimization-based
                  approaches find solutions quickly for challenging
                  (and previously unsolvable) planning problems.
                  Framing temporal logic planning as constrained
                  optimization also presents exciting new areas of
        URL = {http://terraswarm.org/pubs/468.html}

Posted by Vasu Raman on 2 Dec 2014.
Groups: tools

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