Model Counting and Uniform Random Sampling: Theory, Algorithms and Applications
Daniel J. Fremont

Daniel J. Fremont. "Model Counting and Uniform Random Sampling: Theory, Algorithms and Applications". Tutorial, 30, April, 2015; Theme 4.

Model counting is a generalization of SAT which asks not just whether a propositional formula has a satisfying assignment, but how many such assignments there are. It is closely related to the problem of uniform generation, which seeks to sample from the set of satisfying assignments uniformly at random. Both problems have a wide variety of applications including probabilistic inference, constrained-random verification, and quantitative information flow analysis of software. In this presentation we describe the theory behind these problems, recent approximation algorithms for them that have made large instances tractable for the first time, and three improvements we have made to these algorithms. First, we have extended them to the case where assignments have unequal weights, enabling an application to probabilistic inference on graphical models. Second, we have developed a parallel implementation of the sampling algorithm whose performance scales linearly with the number of processors, allowing constrained-random verification to be done almost entirely in parallel. Finally, we have shown that in common applications the rate at which samples are generated can be greatly increased while maintaining adequate guarantees of uniformity. Bio: Daniel Fremont is a 2nd-year graduate student in the Group in Logic and the Methodology of Science at UC Berkeley, advised by Prof. Sanjit Seshia. His research is primarily on algorithms for model counting and uniform generation, as well as applications of these including quantitative analysis of programs. He is also interested in automata theory, decision procedures, and other applications of logic to computer science. Prior to attending UC Berkeley he studied mathematics and physics at MIT.

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  • HTML
    Daniel J. Fremont. <a
    ><i>Model Counting and Uniform Random Sampling:
    Theory, Algorithms and Applications</i></a>,
    Tutorial,  30, April, 2015; Theme 4.
  • Plain text
    Daniel J. Fremont. "Model Counting and Uniform Random
    Sampling: Theory, Algorithms and Applications".
    Tutorial,  30, April, 2015; Theme 4.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Daniel J. Fremont},
        title = {Model Counting and Uniform Random Sampling:
                  Theory, Algorithms and Applications},
        day = {30},
        month = {April},
        year = {2015},
        note = {Theme 4},
        abstract = {Model counting is a generalization of SAT which
                  asks not just whether a propositional formula has
                  a satisfying assignment, but how many such
                  assignments there are. It is closely related to
                  the problem of uniform generation, which seeks to
                  sample from the set of satisfying assignments
                  uniformly at random. Both problems have a wide
                  variety of applications including probabilistic
                  inference, constrained-random verification, and
                  quantitative information flow analysis of
                  software. In this presentation we describe the
                  theory behind these problems, recent approximation
                  algorithms for them that have made large instances
                  tractable for the first time, and three
                  improvements we have made to these algorithms.
                  First, we have extended them to the case where
                  assignments have unequal weights, enabling an
                  application to probabilistic inference on
                  graphical models. Second, we have developed a
                  parallel implementation of the sampling algorithm
                  whose performance scales linearly with the number
                  of processors, allowing constrained-random
                  verification to be done almost entirely in
                  parallel. Finally, we have shown that in common
                  applications the rate at which samples are
                  generated can be greatly increased while
                  maintaining adequate guarantees of uniformity.
                  Bio: Daniel Fremont is a 2nd-year graduate student
                  in the Group in Logic and the Methodology of
                  Science at UC Berkeley, advised by Prof. Sanjit
                  Seshia. His research is primarily on algorithms
                  for model counting and uniform generation, as well
                  as applications of these including quantitative
                  analysis of programs. He is also interested in
                  automata theory, decision procedures, and other
                  applications of logic to computer science. Prior
                  to attending UC Berkeley he studied mathematics
                  and physics at MIT.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Barb Hoversten on 5 Feb 2015.
Groups: tools

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