GameTime: Toolkit for the Timing Analysis of Software
Sanjit Seshia, Jonathan Kotker

Sanjit Seshia, Jonathan Kotker. "GameTime: Toolkit for the Timing Analysis of Software". UC Berkeley, 20, August, 2014.

GameTime is an open-source toolkit for the timing analysis of software. It is targeted towards embedded software, particularly for sequential, terminating programs. The core algorithm of GameTime is based on a combination of game-theoretic online learning of a platform model, and systematic testing on the target platform, leveraging satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) solvers. In contrast with many existing tools for timing analysis, GameTime can be used for a range of tasks that involve the prediction of an execution time property, including: Estimating the worst-case execution time (WCET), Estimating the distribution of execution times, Detecting timing-related bugs by generating test cases that violate program deadlines, and Predicting execution times of particular program path as part of software-in-the-loop simulations. GameTime reduces the potentially exponentially large path space of a program to a polynomial number of basis paths. This reduction enables the tool to perform only a polynomial number of measurements on the target platform, which is very useful in practice as accurate measurements can be tedious and expensive. The use of machine learning to generate a platform model enables GameTime to be easily ported to any platform on which accurate path measurements can be made.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Sanjit Seshia, Jonathan Kotker. <a
    ><i>GameTime: Toolkit for the Timing Analysis of
    Software</i></a>, UC Berkeley, 20, August, 2014.
  • Plain text
    Sanjit Seshia, Jonathan Kotker. "GameTime: Toolkit for
    the Timing Analysis of Software". UC Berkeley, 20,
    August, 2014.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Sanjit Seshia and Jonathan Kotker},
        title = {GameTime: Toolkit for the Timing Analysis of
        institution = {UC Berkeley},
        day = {20},
        month = {August},
        year = {2014},
        abstract = {GameTime is an open-source toolkit for the timing
                  analysis of software. It is targeted towards
                  embedded software, particularly for sequential,
                  terminating programs. The core algorithm of
                  GameTime is based on a combination of
                  game-theoretic online learning of a platform
                  model, and systematic testing on the target
                  platform, leveraging satisfiability modulo
                  theories (SMT) solvers. In contrast with many
                  existing tools for timing analysis, GameTime can
                  be used for a range of tasks that involve the
                  prediction of an execution time property,
                  including: Estimating the worst-case execution
                  time (WCET), Estimating the distribution of
                  execution times, Detecting timing-related bugs by
                  generating test cases that violate program
                  deadlines, and Predicting execution times of
                  particular program path as part of
                  software-in-the-loop simulations. GameTime reduces
                  the potentially exponentially large path space of
                  a program to a polynomial number of basis paths.
                  This reduction enables the tool to perform only a
                  polynomial number of measurements on the target
                  platform, which is very useful in practice as
                  accurate measurements can be tedious and
                  expensive. The use of machine learning to generate
                  a platform model enables GameTime to be easily
                  ported to any platform on which accurate path
                  measurements can be made.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Barb Hoversten on 10 Feb 2015.
Groups: tools

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