Sound and Complete State Estimation for Linear Dynamical Systems Under Sensor Attacks Using Satisfiability Modulo Theory Solving
Yasser Shoukry, Alberto Puggelli, Pierluigi Nuzzo, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Sanjit Seshia, Paulo Tabuada

Yasser Shoukry, Alberto Puggelli, Pierluigi Nuzzo, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Sanjit Seshia, Paulo Tabuada. "Sound and Complete State Estimation for Linear Dynamical Systems Under Sensor Attacks Using Satisfiability Modulo Theory Solving". American Control Conference (ACC), 3818-3823, 1, July, 2015.

We address the problem of detecting and mitigating the effect of malicious attacks on the sensors of a linear dynamical system. We develop a novel, efficient algorithm that uses a Satisfiability Modulo Theory approach to isolate the compromised sensors and estimate the system state despite the presence of the attack, thus harnessing the intrinsic combinatorial complexity of the problem. Simulation results show that our algorithm compares favorably with alternative techniques, with respect to both runtime and estimation error.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Yasser Shoukry, Alberto  Puggelli, Pierluigi Nuzzo, Alberto
    Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Sanjit Seshia, Paulo Tabuada. <a
    >Sound and Complete State Estimation for Linear Dynamical
    Systems Under Sensor Attacks Using Satisfiability Modulo
    Theory Solving</a>, American Control Conference (ACC),
    3818-3823, 1, July, 2015.
  • Plain text
    Yasser Shoukry, Alberto  Puggelli, Pierluigi Nuzzo, Alberto
    Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Sanjit Seshia, Paulo Tabuada.
    "Sound and Complete State Estimation for Linear
    Dynamical Systems Under Sensor Attacks Using Satisfiability
    Modulo Theory Solving". American Control Conference
    (ACC), 3818-3823, 1, July, 2015.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Yasser Shoukry and Alberto  Puggelli and Pierluigi
                  Nuzzo and Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli and
                  Sanjit Seshia and Paulo Tabuada},
        title = {Sound and Complete State Estimation for Linear
                  Dynamical Systems Under Sensor Attacks Using
                  Satisfiability Modulo Theory Solving},
        booktitle = {American Control Conference (ACC)},
        pages = {3818-3823},
        day = {1},
        month = {July},
        year = {2015},
        abstract = {We address the problem of detecting and mitigating
                  the effect of malicious attacks on the sensors of
                  a linear dynamical system. We develop a novel,
                  efficient algorithm that uses a Satisfiability
                  Modulo Theory approach to isolate the compromised
                  sensors and estimate the system state despite the
                  presence of the attack, thus harnessing the
                  intrinsic combinatorial complexity of the problem.
                  Simulation results show that our algorithm
                  compares favorably with alternative techniques,
                  with respect to both runtime and estimation error.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Barb Hoversten on 17 Mar 2015.
Groups: tools

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