Polynomial-Time Verification of PCTL Properties of MDPs with Convex Uncertainties
Alberto Puggelli, Wenchao Li, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Sanjit Seshia

Alberto Puggelli, Wenchao Li, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Sanjit Seshia. "Polynomial-Time Verification of PCTL Properties of MDPs with Convex Uncertainties". Proceedings of CAV 2013, July, 2013.

The paper addresses the problem of verifying Probabilistic Computation Tree Logic (PCTL) properties of Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) whose state transition probabilities are only known to lie within uncertainty sets. First, the model of Convex-MDPs (CMDPs), i.e., MDPs with convex uncertainty sets,is introduced. CMDPs generalize Interval-MDPs (IMDPs) by allowing also more expressive (convex) descriptions of uncertainty. Using results on strong duality for convex programs, a PCTL verification algorithm for CMDPs is then presented, and proved to run in time polynomial in the size of a CMDP for a rich subclass of convex uncertainty models. This result lowers the previously known algorithmic complexity upper bound for IMDPs from co-NP to PTIME. The practical effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated by verifying a consensus protocol and a dynamic configuration protocol for IPv4 addresses.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Alberto  Puggelli, Wenchao Li, Alberto
    Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Sanjit Seshia. <a
    >Polynomial-Time Verification of PCTL Properties of MDPs
    with Convex Uncertainties</a>, Proceedings of CAV
    2013, July, 2013.
  • Plain text
    Alberto  Puggelli, Wenchao Li, Alberto
    Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Sanjit Seshia.
    "Polynomial-Time Verification of PCTL Properties of
    MDPs with Convex Uncertainties". Proceedings of CAV
    2013, July, 2013.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Alberto  Puggelli and Wenchao Li and Alberto
                  Sangiovanni-Vincentelli and Sanjit Seshia},
        title = {Polynomial-Time Verification of PCTL Properties of
                  MDPs with Convex Uncertainties},
        booktitle = {Proceedings of CAV 2013},
        month = {July},
        year = {2013},
        abstract = {The paper addresses the problem of verifying
                  Probabilistic Computation Tree Logic (PCTL)
                  properties of Markov Decision Processes (MDPs)
                  whose state transition probabilities are only
                  known to lie within uncertainty sets. First, the
                  model of Convex-MDPs (CMDPs), i.e., MDPs with
                  convex uncertainty sets,is introduced. CMDPs
                  generalize Interval-MDPs (IMDPs) by allowing also
                  more expressive (convex) descriptions of
                  uncertainty. Using results on strong duality for
                  convex programs, a PCTL verification algorithm for
                  CMDPs is then presented, and proved to run in time
                  polynomial in the size of a CMDP for a rich
                  subclass of convex uncertainty models. This result
                  lowers the previously known algorithmic complexity
                  upper bound for IMDPs from co-NP to PTIME. The
                  practical effectiveness of the proposed approach
                  is demonstrated by verifying a consensus protocol
                  and a dynamic configuration protocol for IPv4
                  addresses. },
        URL = {http://terraswarm.org/pubs/52.html}

Posted by Mila MacBain on 26 Apr 2013.

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