A Sublinear Algorithm for Barrier-Certificate-Based Data-Driven Model Validation of Dynamical Systems
Shuo Han, Topcu Ufuk, George Pappas

Shuo Han, Topcu Ufuk, George Pappas. "A Sublinear Algorithm for Barrier-Certificate-Based Data-Driven Model Validation of Dynamical Systems". Conference on Decision and Control, IEEE, 15, December, 2015.

The paper considers the problem of scaling the method of barrier certificates for data-driven validation of dynamical system models using a large number of collected trajectories. Construction of a barrier certificate requires solving a convex feasibility problem that consists of a set of affine constraints whose number grows with the size of the dataset. The time complexity of traditional methods such as the interior-point method depends at least linearly on the size of the dataset and can be expensive to use for large datasets. We show that sublinear time complexity can be achieved using the multiplicative weights method, which was originally proposed to compute an approximate feasible solution for affine constraints. After modifications, the multiplicative weights method is able to yield an exact solution to the convex feasibility problem and hence a valid barrier certificate. We also present numerical studies and show that the multiplicative weights method is favorable to traditional methods for large datasets.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Shuo Han, Topcu Ufuk, George Pappas. <a
    >A Sublinear Algorithm for Barrier-Certificate-Based
    Data-Driven Model Validation of Dynamical Systems</a>,
    Conference on Decision and Control, IEEE, 15, December, 2015.
  • Plain text
    Shuo Han, Topcu Ufuk, George Pappas. "A Sublinear
    Algorithm for Barrier-Certificate-Based Data-Driven Model
    Validation of Dynamical Systems". Conference on
    Decision and Control, IEEE, 15, December, 2015.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Shuo Han and Topcu Ufuk and George Pappas},
        title = {A Sublinear Algorithm for
                  Barrier-Certificate-Based Data-Driven Model
                  Validation of Dynamical Systems},
        booktitle = {Conference on Decision and Control},
        organization = {IEEE},
        day = {15},
        month = {December},
        year = {2015},
        abstract = {The paper considers the problem of scaling the
                  method of barrier certificates for data-driven
                  validation of dynamical system models using a
                  large number of collected trajectories.
                  Construction of a barrier certificate requires
                  solving a convex feasibility problem that consists
                  of a set of affine constraints whose number grows
                  with the size of the dataset. The time complexity
                  of traditional methods such as the interior-point
                  method depends at least linearly on the size of
                  the dataset and can be expensive to use for large
                  datasets. We show that sublinear time complexity
                  can be achieved using the multiplicative weights
                  method, which was originally proposed to compute
                  an approximate feasible solution for affine
                  constraints. After modifications, the
                  multiplicative weights method is able to yield an
                  exact solution to the convex feasibility problem
                  and hence a valid barrier certificate. We also
                  present numerical studies and show that the
                  multiplicative weights method is favorable to
                  traditional methods for large datasets.},
        URL = {http://terraswarm.org/pubs/524.html}

Posted by Barb Hoversten on 25 Mar 2015.
Groups: services

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