Security in Cyber-Physical Systems: Controller Design Against Known-Plaintext Attack
Ye Yuan, Yilin Mo

Ye Yuan, Yilin Mo. " Security in Cyber-Physical Systems: Controller Design Against Known-Plaintext Attack". Conference on Decision and Control 2015, IEEE, 15, December, 2015.

A substantial amount of research on the security of cyber-physical systems assumes that the physical system model is available to the adversary. In this paper, we argue that such an assumption can be relaxed, since even if the physical system model is unknown, the adversary might still be able to identify it by observing the control input and sensory data from the system. In such a setup, the attack with the goal of identifying the system model using the knowledge of input-output data can be categorized as a Known-Plaintext Attack (KPA) in the information security literature. We first prove a necessary condition and a sufficient condition, under which the adversary can successfully identify the transfer function of the physical system. Furthermore, we design an algorithm, which is based on spectral factorization, for the adversary to numerically compute the physical system model. We then provide a low-rank controller design which renders the system unidentifiable to the adversary, while trading off the LQG performance. Finally, a numerical example is provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed controller design.

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  • HTML
    Ye Yuan, Yilin Mo. <a
    Security in Cyber-Physical Systems: Controller Design
    Against Known-Plaintext Attack</a>, Conference on
    Decision and Control 2015, IEEE, 15, December, 2015.
  • Plain text
    Ye Yuan, Yilin Mo. " Security in Cyber-Physical
    Systems: Controller Design Against Known-Plaintext
    Attack". Conference on Decision and Control 2015, IEEE,
    15, December, 2015.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Ye Yuan and Yilin Mo},
        title = { Security in Cyber-Physical Systems: Controller
                  Design Against Known-Plaintext Attack},
        booktitle = {Conference on Decision and Control 2015},
        organization = {IEEE},
        day = {15},
        month = {December},
        year = {2015},
        abstract = { A substantial amount of research on the security
                  of cyber-physical systems assumes that the
                  physical system model is available to the
                  adversary. In this paper, we argue that such an
                  assumption can be relaxed, since even if the
                  physical system model is unknown, the adversary
                  might still be able to identify it by observing
                  the control input and sensory data from the
                  system. In such a setup, the attack with the goal
                  of identifying the system model using the
                  knowledge of input-output data can be categorized
                  as a Known-Plaintext Attack (KPA) in the
                  information security literature. We first prove a
                  necessary condition and a sufficient condition,
                  under which the adversary can successfully
                  identify the transfer function of the physical
                  system. Furthermore, we design an algorithm, which
                  is based on spectral factorization, for the
                  adversary to numerically compute the physical
                  system model. We then provide a low-rank
                  controller design which renders the system
                  unidentifiable to the adversary, while trading off
                  the LQG performance. Finally, a numerical example
                  is provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the
                  proposed controller design. },
        URL = {}

Posted by Yilin Mo on 25 Mar 2015.
Groups: services

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