Dynamic State Estimation in the Presence of Compromised Sensory Data
Yorie Nakahira, Yilin Mo

Yorie Nakahira, Yilin Mo. "Dynamic State Estimation in the Presence of Compromised Sensory Data". Conference on Decision and Control 2015, IEEE, 15, December, 2015.

In this article, we consider the state estimation problem of a linear time invariant system in adversarial environment. We assume that the process noise and measurement noise of the system are $l_\infty$ functions. The adversary compromises at most $\gamma$ sensors, the set of which is unknown to the estimation algorithm, and can change their measurements arbitrarily. We first prove that if after removing a set of $2\gamma$ sensors, the system is undetectable, then there exists a destabilizing noise process and attacker's input to render the estimation error unbounded. For the case that the system remains detectable after removing an arbitrary set of $2\gamma$ sensors, we construct a resilient estimator and provide an upper bound on the $l_\infty$ norm of the estimation error. Finally, a numerical example is provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed estimator design.

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  • HTML
    Yorie Nakahira, Yilin Mo. <a
    >Dynamic State Estimation in the Presence of Compromised
    Sensory Data</a>, Conference on Decision and Control
    2015, IEEE, 15, December, 2015.
  • Plain text
    Yorie Nakahira, Yilin Mo. "Dynamic State Estimation in
    the Presence of Compromised Sensory Data". Conference
    on Decision and Control 2015, IEEE, 15, December, 2015.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Yorie Nakahira and Yilin Mo},
        title = {Dynamic State Estimation in the Presence of
                  Compromised Sensory Data},
        booktitle = {Conference on Decision and Control 2015},
        organization = {IEEE},
        day = {15},
        month = {December},
        year = {2015},
        abstract = {In this article, we consider the state estimation
                  problem of a linear time invariant system in
                  adversarial environment. We assume that the
                  process noise and measurement noise of the system
                  are $l_\infty$ functions. The adversary
                  compromises at most $\gamma$ sensors, the set of
                  which is unknown to the estimation algorithm, and
                  can change their measurements arbitrarily. We
                  first prove that if after removing a set of
                  $2\gamma$ sensors, the system is undetectable,
                  then there exists a destabilizing noise process
                  and attacker's input to render the estimation
                  error unbounded. For the case that the system
                  remains detectable after removing an arbitrary set
                  of $2\gamma$ sensors, we construct a resilient
                  estimator and provide an upper bound on the
                  $l_\infty$ norm of the estimation error. Finally,
                  a numerical example is provided to illustrate the
                  effectiveness of the proposed estimator design.},
        URL = {http://terraswarm.org/pubs/527.html}

Posted by Yilin Mo on 25 Mar 2015.
Groups: services

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