Distributed Control of a Swarm of Buildings Connected to a Smart Grid
Baris Aksanli, Alper Sinan Akyurek, Tajana Simunic Rosing

Baris Aksanli, Alper Sinan Akyurek, Tajana Simunic Rosing. "Distributed Control of a Swarm of Buildings Connected to a Smart Grid". Talk or presentation, 1, April, 2015; Talk given and poster presented at the 10th CMU Conference on the Electricity Industry.

Building control tools today address only a single building and do not consider the interactions between the building and the electrical grid, e.g., supply/demand imbalance and voltage/frequency increase. We present a set of control and simulation tools that do take into considerations these interactions. The core of the system is a simulator, called the Smart Grid Swarm Simulator (S2Sim) that simulates the grid dynamics, interfaces the tools in a distributed fashion and assesses their impact on the grid including stability.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Baris Aksanli, Alper Sinan Akyurek, Tajana Simunic Rosing.
    Control of a Swarm of Buildings Connected to a Smart
    Grid</i></a>, Talk or presentation,  1, April,
    2015; Talk given and poster presented at the  <a
    >10th CMU Conference on the Electricity
  • Plain text
    Baris Aksanli, Alper Sinan Akyurek, Tajana Simunic Rosing.
    "Distributed Control of a Swarm of Buildings Connected
    to a Smart Grid". Talk or presentation,  1, April,
    2015; Talk given and poster presented at the  <a
    >10th CMU Conference on the Electricity
  • BibTeX
        author = {Baris Aksanli and Alper Sinan Akyurek and Tajana
                  Simunic Rosing},
        title = {Distributed Control of a Swarm of Buildings
                  Connected to a Smart Grid},
        day = {1},
        month = {April},
        year = {2015},
        note = {Talk given and poster presented at the  <a
                  >10th CMU Conference on the Electricity
        abstract = {Building control tools today address only a single
                  building and do not consider the interactions
                  between the building and the electrical grid,
                  e.g., supply/demand imbalance and
                  voltage/frequency increase. We present a set of
                  control and simulation tools that do take into
                  considerations these interactions. The core of the
                  system is a simulator, called the Smart Grid Swarm
                  Simulator (S2Sim) that simulates the grid
                  dynamics, interfaces the tools in a distributed
                  fashion and assesses their impact on the grid
                  including stability. },
        URL = {http://terraswarm.org/pubs/528.html}

Posted by Tajana Simunic Rosing on 26 Mar 2015.

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