Nystrom Approximation for Large-Scale Determinantal Processes
Raja Hafiz Affandi, Alex Kulesza, Emily B. Fox, Ben Taskar

Raja Hafiz Affandi, Alex Kulesza, Emily B. Fox, Ben Taskar. "Nystrom Approximation for Large-Scale Determinantal Processes". AISTATS 2013, April, 2013.

Determinantal point processes (DPPs) are appealing models for subset selection problems where diversity is desired. They offer surprisingly efficient inference, including sampling in O(N^3) time and O(N^2) space, where N is the number of base items. However, in some applications, N may grow so large that sampling from a DPP becomes computationally infeasible. This is especially true in settings where the DPP kernel matrix cannot be represented by a linear decomposition of low-dimensional feature vectors. In these cases, the PIs propose applying the Nystrom approximation to project the kernel matrix into a low-dimensional space. While theoretical guarantees for the Nystrom approximation in terms of standard matrix norms have been previously established, the PIs are concerned with probabilistic measures, like total variation distance between the DPP and its Nystrom approximation,that behave quite differently. In this paper the PIs derive new error bounds for the Nystrom-approximated DPP and present empirical results to corroborate them. The PIs then demonstrate the Nystrom-approximated DPP by applying it to a motion capture summarization task.

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  • HTML
    Raja Hafiz Affandi, Alex Kulesza, Emily B. Fox, Ben Taskar.
    >Nystrom Approximation for Large-Scale Determinantal
    Processes</a>, AISTATS 2013, April, 2013.
  • Plain text
    Raja Hafiz Affandi, Alex Kulesza, Emily B. Fox, Ben Taskar.
    "Nystrom Approximation for Large-Scale Determinantal
    Processes". AISTATS 2013, April, 2013.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Raja Hafiz Affandi and Alex Kulesza and Emily B.
                  Fox and Ben Taskar},
        title = {Nystrom Approximation for Large-Scale
                  Determinantal Processes},
        booktitle = {AISTATS 2013},
        month = {April},
        year = {2013},
        abstract = {Determinantal point processes (DPPs) are appealing
                  models for subset selection problems where
                  diversity is desired. They offer surprisingly
                  efficient inference, including sampling in O(N^3)
                  time and O(N^2) space, where N is the number of
                  base items. However, in some applications, N may
                  grow so large that sampling from a DPP becomes
                  computationally infeasible. This is especially
                  true in settings where the DPP kernel matrix
                  cannot be represented by a linear decomposition of
                  low-dimensional feature vectors. In these cases,
                  the PIs propose applying the Nystrom approximation
                  to project the kernel matrix into a
                  low-dimensional space. While theoretical
                  guarantees for the Nystrom approximation in terms
                  of standard matrix norms have been previously
                  established, the PIs are concerned with
                  probabilistic measures, like total variation
                  distance between the DPP and its Nystrom
                  approximation,that behave quite differently. In
                  this paper the PIs derive new error bounds for the
                  Nystrom-approximated DPP and present empirical
                  results to corroborate them. The PIs then
                  demonstrate the Nystrom-approximated DPP by
                  applying it to a motion capture summarization task.},
        URL = {http://terraswarm.org/pubs/53.html}

Posted by Mila MacBain on 26 Apr 2013.

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