AbSynth 2015: Workshop on Abstraction and Synthesis of Correct-by-Construction Robotics Software: Reuniting Formal Methods with Model-Driven Software Engineering
Vasu Raman, Ben Johnson, Jie Fu, Shashank Pathak, Armando Tacchella, Lorenzo Natale, Arunkumar Ramaswamy, Bruno Monsuez, Adriana Tapus

Vasu Raman, Ben Johnson, Jie Fu, Shashank Pathak, Armando Tacchella, Lorenzo Natale, Arunkumar Ramaswamy, Bruno Monsuez, Adriana Tapus. "AbSynth 2015: Workshop on Abstraction and Synthesis of Correct-by-Construction Robotics Software: Reuniting Formal Methods with Model-Driven Software Engineering". Unpublished article, July, 2015; This workshop has been accepted to the Robotics: Science and Systems conference to occur in July, 2015. A website with current information can be found at http://www.aimslab.org/AbSynth2015/.

AbSynth 2015 is a two-day workshop to be held in conjunction with the 2015 Robotics Science and Systems (RSS) conference in Rome, Italy on July 16-17, 2015. The increasing use of automation in safety- and mission-critical situations encourages the development of theories and techniques that can provide formal guarantees on the performance of the system. Model-Driven Software Engineering (MDSE) and Formal Methods (FM) are closely related in that that they both seek abstractions that preserve the important properties of the underlying concrete system, as well as provide rigorous methods for system design to ensure desirable behavior with respect to complex specifications. However, much like the divergence of classical AI and Robotics into separate fields concerned with high-level and low-level details of the same systems (i.e. robots), FM and MDSE have diverged. MDSE research in robotics is aligned with the primary goal of creating quality low-level software for robotic systems, while formal methods apply chiefly to the design and validation of systems at a high-level of abstraction. It is clear, however, that the two are complimentary, and that a reunification is overdue. Quality, reliable software for robotic systems created using MDSE will facilitate the abstraction and modeling of robotic systems, which further promotes the adoption of FM in constructing robotic systems with a high degree of autonomy.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Vasu Raman, Ben Johnson, Jie Fu, Shashank Pathak, Armando
    Tacchella, Lorenzo Natale, Arunkumar Ramaswamy, Bruno
    Monsuez, Adriana Tapus. <a
    ><i>AbSynth 2015: Workshop on Abstraction and
    Synthesis of Correct-by-Construction Robotics Software:
    Reuniting Formal Methods with Model-Driven Software
    Engineering</i></a>, Unpublished article,  July,
    2015; This workshop has been accepted to the Robotics:
    Science and Systems conference to occur in July, 2015. A
    website with current information can be found at
  • Plain text
    Vasu Raman, Ben Johnson, Jie Fu, Shashank Pathak, Armando
    Tacchella, Lorenzo Natale, Arunkumar Ramaswamy, Bruno
    Monsuez, Adriana Tapus. "AbSynth 2015: Workshop on
    Abstraction and Synthesis of Correct-by-Construction
    Robotics Software: Reuniting Formal Methods with
    Model-Driven Software Engineering". Unpublished
    article,  July, 2015; This workshop has been accepted to the
    Robotics: Science and Systems conference to occur in July,
    2015. A website with current information can be found at
  • BibTeX
        author = {Vasu Raman and Ben Johnson and Jie Fu and Shashank
                  Pathak and Armando Tacchella and Lorenzo Natale
                  and Arunkumar Ramaswamy and Bruno Monsuez and
                  Adriana Tapus},
        title = {AbSynth 2015: Workshop on Abstraction and
                  Synthesis of Correct-by-Construction Robotics
                  Software: Reuniting Formal Methods with
                  Model-Driven Software Engineering},
        month = {July},
        year = {2015},
        note = {This workshop has been accepted to the Robotics:
                  Science and Systems conference to occur in July,
                  2015. A website with current information can be
                  found at http://www.aimslab.org/AbSynth2015/.},
        abstract = {AbSynth 2015 is a two-day workshop to be held in
                  conjunction with the 2015 Robotics Science and
                  Systems (RSS) conference in Rome, Italy on July
                  16-17, 2015. The increasing use of automation in
                  safety- and mission-critical situations encourages
                  the development of theories and techniques that
                  can provide formal guarantees on the performance
                  of the system. Model-Driven Software Engineering
                  (MDSE) and Formal Methods (FM) are closely related
                  in that that they both seek abstractions that
                  preserve the important properties of the
                  underlying concrete system, as well as provide
                  rigorous methods for system design to ensure
                  desirable behavior with respect to complex
                  specifications. However, much like the divergence
                  of classical AI and Robotics into separate fields
                  concerned with high-level and low-level details of
                  the same systems (i.e. robots), FM and MDSE have
                  diverged. MDSE research in robotics is aligned
                  with the primary goal of creating quality
                  low-level software for robotic systems, while
                  formal methods apply chiefly to the design and
                  validation of systems at a high-level of
                  abstraction. It is clear, however, that the two
                  are complimentary, and that a reunification is
                  overdue. Quality, reliable software for robotic
                  systems created using MDSE will facilitate the
                  abstraction and modeling of robotic systems, which
                  further promotes the adoption of FM in
                  constructing robotic systems with a high degree of
        URL = {http://terraswarm.org/pubs/533.html}

Posted by Vasu Raman on 1 Apr 2015.
Groups: services

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