Efficient Robust Monitoring for STL
Alexandre Donze, Thomas Ferrere, Oded Maler

Alexandre Donze, Thomas Ferrere, Oded Maler. "Efficient Robust Monitoring for STL". Proceedings of CAV 2013, April, 2013.

Monitoring transient behaviors of real-time systems plays an important role in model-based systems design. Signal Temporal Logic (STL) emerges as a convenient and powerful formalism for continuous and hybrid systems. This paper presents an efficient algorithm for computing the robustness degree in which a piecewise-continuous signal satisfi es or violates an STL formula. The algorithm, by leveraging state-of-the-art streaming algorithms from Signal Processing, is linear in the size of the signal and its implementation in the Breach tool is shown to outperform alternative implementations.

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  • HTML
    Alexandre Donze, Thomas Ferrere, Oded Maler. <a
    >Efficient Robust Monitoring for STL</a>,
    Proceedings of CAV 2013, April, 2013.
  • Plain text
    Alexandre Donze, Thomas Ferrere, Oded Maler. "Efficient
    Robust Monitoring for STL". Proceedings of CAV 2013,
    April, 2013.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Alexandre Donze and Thomas Ferrere and Oded Maler},
        title = {Efficient Robust Monitoring for STL},
        booktitle = {Proceedings of CAV 2013},
        month = {April},
        year = {2013},
        abstract = {Monitoring transient behaviors of real-time
                  systems plays an important role in model-based
                  systems design. Signal Temporal Logic (STL)
                  emerges as a convenient and powerful formalism for
                  continuous and hybrid systems. This paper presents
                  an efficient algorithm for computing the
                  robustness degree in which a piecewise-continuous
                  signal satisfies or violates an STL formula. The
                  algorithm, by leveraging state-of-the-art
                  streaming algorithms from Signal Processing, is
                  linear in the size of the signal and its
                  implementation in the Breach tool is shown to
                  outperform alternative implementations. },
        URL = {http://terraswarm.org/pubs/54.html}

Posted by Mila MacBain on 26 Apr 2013.

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