Control as a Service (CaaS) : Cloud-based Software Architecture for Automotive Control Applications
Hasan Esen

Hasan Esen. "Control as a Service (CaaS) : Cloud-based Software Architecture for Automotive Control Applications". Talk or presentation, 13, April, 2015.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the interconnection of embedded devices and offers the possibility of exploiting cloud- based services to improve control functions. But how much cloud control is possible when facing real-time challenges in a safety-critical environment? This paper provides first in- sights and data into cloud-based control by means of a feasibility study in the automotive domain. We present the Control as a Service (CaaS) concept, which investigates cloud- based control scheme for a model car with WLAN / CAN gateway. CaaS delivers successfully an architectural design and a proof-of-concept implementation for a simple cloud- based throttle limitation scenario, in which the throttle values requested by driver (remote control user) is dynamically regulated by a controller implemented as a virtual ECU (Electronic Control Unit) in the cloud. We found that the correct handling of time-varying network delay is one of the most relevant challenges. Therefore we started a simulation study in parallel to design controllers that are capable of coping with network imperfections. Preliminary simulation results indicate the potential of model predictive control.

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  • HTML
    Hasan Esen. <a
    ><i>Control as a Service (CaaS) : Cloud-based
    Software Architecture for Automotive Control
    Applications</i></a>, Talk or presentation,  13,
    April, 2015.
  • Plain text
    Hasan Esen. "Control as a Service (CaaS) : Cloud-based
    Software Architecture for Automotive Control
    Applications". Talk or presentation,  13, April, 2015.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Hasan Esen},
        title = {Control as a Service (CaaS) : Cloud-based Software
                  Architecture for Automotive Control Applications},
        day = {13},
        month = {April},
        year = {2015},
        abstract = {The Internet of Things (IoT) is the
                  interconnection of embedded devices and offers the
                  possibility of exploiting cloud- based services to
                  improve control functions. But how much cloud
                  control is possible when facing real-time
                  challenges in a safety-critical environment? This
                  paper provides first in- sights and data into
                  cloud-based control by means of a feasibility
                  study in the automotive domain. We present the
                  Control as a Service (CaaS) concept, which
                  investigates cloud- based control scheme for a
                  model car with WLAN / CAN gateway. CaaS delivers
                  successfully an architectural design and a
                  proof-of-concept implementation for a simple
                  cloud- based throttle limitation scenario, in
                  which the throttle values requested by driver
                  (remote control user) is dynamically regulated by
                  a controller implemented as a virtual ECU
                  (Electronic Control Unit) in the cloud. We found
                  that the correct handling of time-varying network
                  delay is one of the most relevant challenges.
                  Therefore we started a simulation study in
                  parallel to design controllers that are capable of
                  coping with network imperfections. Preliminary
                  simulation results indicate the potential of model
                  predictive control. },
        URL = {}

Posted by Armin Wasicek on 7 May 2015.

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