Dynamic Message-Oriented Middleware with Open Sound Control and Odot
John MacCallum, Rama Gottfried, Ilya Y. Rostovtsev, Jean Bresson, Adrian Freed

John MacCallum, Rama Gottfried, Ilya Y. Rostovtsev, Jean Bresson, Adrian Freed. "Dynamic Message-Oriented Middleware with Open Sound Control and Odot". Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, 25, September, 2015.

We present recent work on odot, a system that extends Open Sound Control and facilitates the rapid and dynamic construction of Message-Oriented Middleware providing an interoperability layer for communication between applications. Unlike traditional middleware systems, odot, when embedded in a host environment, provides a node where computation can take place, allowing middleware to take shape dynamically as the needs of the system develop.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    John MacCallum, Rama Gottfried, Ilya Y. Rostovtsev, Jean
    Bresson, Adrian Freed. <a
    >Dynamic Message-Oriented Middleware with Open Sound
    Control and Odot</a>, Proceedings of the International
    Computer Music Conference, 25, September, 2015.
  • Plain text
    John MacCallum, Rama Gottfried, Ilya Y. Rostovtsev, Jean
    Bresson, Adrian Freed. "Dynamic Message-Oriented
    Middleware with Open Sound Control and Odot".
    Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference,
    25, September, 2015.
  • BibTeX
        author = {John MacCallum and Rama Gottfried and Ilya Y.
                  Rostovtsev and Jean Bresson and Adrian Freed},
        title = {Dynamic Message-Oriented Middleware with Open
                  Sound Control and Odot},
        booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Computer Music
        day = {25},
        month = {September},
        year = {2015},
        abstract = {We present recent work on odot, a system that
                  extends Open Sound Control and facilitates the
                  rapid and dynamic construction of Message-Oriented
                  Middleware providing an interoperability layer for
                  communication between applications. Unlike
                  traditional middleware systems, odot, when
                  embedded in a host environment, provides a node
                  where computation can take place, allowing
                  middleware to take shape dynamically as the needs
                  of the system develop.},
        URL = {http://terraswarm.org/pubs/580.html}

Posted by Barb Hoversten on 1 Jun 2015.
Groups: tools

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