Uncertainty Analysis of Middleware Architectures for Streaming Smart Grid Applications
Ilge Akkaya, Yan Liu, Edward A. Lee

Ilge Akkaya, Yan Liu, Edward A. Lee. "Uncertainty Analysis of Middleware Architectures for Streaming Smart Grid Applications". IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, January 2016.

Accuracy and responsiveness are two key properties of emerging cyber-physical energy systems (CPES) that need to incorporate high throughput sensor streams for distributed monitoring and control purposes. The electric power grid, which is a prominent example of such systems, is being integrated with high throughput sensors in order to support stable system dynamics that are provisioned to be utilized in real-time supervisory control applications. The end-to-end performance and overall scalability of cyber-physical energy applications depend on robust middleware that is able to operate with variable resources and multi-source sensor data. This leads to uncertain behavior under highly variable sensor and middleware topologies. We present a parametric approach to modeling middleware for distributed power applications and account for temporal satisfiability of system properties under network resource and data volume uncertainty. We present a heterogeneous modeling framework that combines Monte Carlo simulations of uncertainty parameters within an executable Discrete-Event (DE) middleware model. By employing Monte Carlo simulations followed by regression analysis, we determine system parameters that significantly affect limiting middleware behavior and the achievability of temporal requirements.

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  • HTML
    Ilge Akkaya, Yan Liu, Edward A. Lee. <a
    >Uncertainty Analysis of Middleware Architectures for
    Streaming Smart Grid Applications</a>, <i>IEEE
    Transactions on Services Computing</i>, January 2016.
  • Plain text
    Ilge Akkaya, Yan Liu, Edward A. Lee. "Uncertainty
    Analysis of Middleware Architectures for Streaming Smart
    Grid Applications". <i>IEEE Transactions on
    Services Computing</i>, January 2016.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Ilge Akkaya and Yan Liu and Edward A. Lee},
        title = {Uncertainty Analysis of Middleware Architectures
                  for Streaming Smart Grid Applications},
        journal = {IEEE Transactions on Services Computing},
        month = {January},
        year = {2016},
        abstract = {Accuracy and responsiveness are two key properties
                  of emerging cyber-physical energy systems (CPES)
                  that need to incorporate high throughput sensor
                  streams for distributed monitoring and control
                  purposes. The electric power grid, which is a
                  prominent example of such systems, is being
                  integrated with high throughput sensors in order
                  to support stable system dynamics that are
                  provisioned to be utilized in real-time
                  supervisory control applications. The end-to-end
                  performance and overall scalability of
                  cyber-physical energy applications depend on
                  robust middleware that is able to operate with
                  variable resources and multi-source sensor data.
                  This leads to uncertain behavior under highly
                  variable sensor and middleware topologies. We
                  present a parametric approach to modeling
                  middleware for distributed power applications and
                  account for temporal satisfiability of system
                  properties under network resource and data volume
                  uncertainty. We present a heterogeneous modeling
                  framework that combines Monte Carlo simulations of
                  uncertainty parameters within an executable
                  Discrete-Event (DE) middleware model. By employing
                  Monte Carlo simulations followed by regression
                  analysis, we determine system parameters that
                  significantly affect limiting middleware behavior
                  and the achievability of temporal requirements.},
        URL = {http://terraswarm.org/pubs/594.html}

Posted by Ilge Akkaya on 23 Jul 2015.
Groups: services

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