A Platform-Based Design Methodology with Contracts and Related Tools for the Design of Cyber-Physical Systems
Pierluigi Nuzzo, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Davide Bresolin, Luca Geretti

Pierluigi Nuzzo, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Davide Bresolin, Luca Geretti. "A Platform-Based Design Methodology with Contracts and Related Tools for the Design of Cyber-Physical Systems". Proceedings of the IEEE, December 2015.

We introduce a platform-based design methodology that uses contracts to specify and abstract the components of a cyber-physical system (CPS), and provide formal support to the entire CPS design flow. The design is carried out as a sequence of refinement steps from a high-level specification to an implementation built out of a library of components at the lower level. We review formalisms and tools that can be used to specify, analyze or synthesize the design at different levels of abstraction. For each level, we highlight how the contract operations can be concretely computed as well as the research challenges that should be faced to fully implement them. We illustrate our approach on the design of embedded controllers for aircraft electric power distribution systems.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Pierluigi Nuzzo, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Davide
    Bresolin, Luca Geretti. <a
    >A Platform-Based Design Methodology with Contracts and
    Related Tools for the Design of Cyber-Physical
    Systems</a>, <i>Proceedings of the
    IEEE</i>, December 2015.
  • Plain text
    Pierluigi Nuzzo, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Davide
    Bresolin, Luca Geretti. "A Platform-Based Design
    Methodology with Contracts and Related Tools for the Design
    of Cyber-Physical Systems". <i>Proceedings of the
    IEEE</i>, December 2015.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Pierluigi Nuzzo and Alberto
                  Sangiovanni-Vincentelli and Davide Bresolin and
                  Luca Geretti},
        title = {A Platform-Based Design Methodology with Contracts
                  and Related Tools for the Design of Cyber-Physical
        journal = {Proceedings of the IEEE},
        month = {December},
        year = {2015},
        abstract = {We introduce a platform-based design methodology
                  that uses contracts to specify and abstract the
                  components of a cyber-physical system (CPS), and
                  provide formal support to the entire CPS design
                  flow. The design is carried out as a sequence of
                  refinement steps from a high-level specification
                  to an implementation built out of a library of
                  components at the lower level. We review
                  formalisms and tools that can be used to specify,
                  analyze or synthesize the design at different
                  levels of abstraction. For each level, we
                  highlight how the contract operations can be
                  concretely computed as well as the research
                  challenges that should be faced to fully implement
                  them. We illustrate our approach on the design of
                  embedded controllers for aircraft electric power
                  distribution systems.},
        URL = {http://terraswarm.org/pubs/609.html}

Posted by Christopher Brooks on 3 Sep 2015.
Groups: tools

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