A Complete Recipe for Stochastic Gradient MCMC
Yian Ma, Tianqi Chen, Emily B. Fox

Yian Ma, Tianqi Chen, Emily B. Fox. "A Complete Recipe for Stochastic Gradient MCMC". Neural Information Processing Systems, 7, December, 2015.

Many recent Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) samplers leverage stochastic dynamics with state adaptation to define a Markov transition kernel that efficiently explores a target distribution. In tandem, a focus has been on devising scalable MCMC algorithms via data subsampling and using stochastic gradients in the stochastic dynamic simulations. However, such stochastic gradient MCMC methods have used simple stochastic dynamics, or required significant physical intuition to modify the dynamical system to account for the stochastic gradient noise. In this paper, we provide a general recipe for constructing MCMC samplers--including stochastic gradient versions--based on continuous Markov processes specified via two matrices. We constructively prove that the framework is complete. That is, any continuous Markov process that provides samples from the target distribution can be written in our framework. We demonstrate the utility of our recipe by trivially "reinventing" previously proposed stochastic gradient MCMC samplers, and in proposing a new state-adaptive sampler: stochastic gradient Riemann Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (SGRHMC). Our experiments on simulated data and a streaming Wikipedia analysis demonstrate that the proposed sampler inherits the benefits of Riemann HMC, with the scalability of stochastic gradient methods.

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  • HTML
    Yian Ma, Tianqi Chen, Emily B. Fox. <a
    >A Complete Recipe for Stochastic Gradient
    MCMC</a>, Neural Information Processing Systems, 7,
    December, 2015.
  • Plain text
    Yian Ma, Tianqi Chen, Emily B. Fox. "A Complete Recipe
    for Stochastic Gradient MCMC". Neural Information
    Processing Systems, 7, December, 2015.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Yian Ma and Tianqi Chen and Emily B. Fox},
        title = {A Complete Recipe for Stochastic Gradient MCMC},
        booktitle = {Neural Information Processing Systems},
        day = {7},
        month = {December},
        year = {2015},
        abstract = {Many recent Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)
                  samplers leverage stochastic dynamics with state
                  adaptation to define a Markov transition kernel
                  that efficiently explores a target distribution.
                  In tandem, a focus has been on devising scalable
                  MCMC algorithms via data subsampling and using
                  stochastic gradients in the stochastic dynamic
                  simulations. However, such stochastic gradient
                  MCMC methods have used simple stochastic dynamics,
                  or required significant physical intuition to
                  modify the dynamical system to account for the
                  stochastic gradient noise. In this paper, we
                  provide a general recipe for constructing MCMC
                  samplers--including stochastic gradient
                  versions--based on continuous Markov processes
                  specified via two matrices. We constructively
                  prove that the framework is complete. That is, any
                  continuous Markov process that provides samples
                  from the target distribution can be written in our
                  framework. We demonstrate the utility of our
                  recipe by trivially "reinventing" previously
                  proposed stochastic gradient MCMC samplers, and in
                  proposing a new state-adaptive sampler: stochastic
                  gradient Riemann Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (SGRHMC).
                  Our experiments on simulated data and a streaming
                  Wikipedia analysis demonstrate that the proposed
                  sampler inherits the benefits of Riemann HMC, with
                  the scalability of stochastic gradient methods.},
        URL = {http://terraswarm.org/pubs/646.html}

Posted by Emily B. Fox on 8 Oct 2015.
Groups: services

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