Low-Voltage Low-Overhead Asynchronous Logic
Akshay Sridharan, Carl Sechen, Roozbeh Jafari

Akshay Sridharan, Carl Sechen, Roozbeh Jafari. "Low-Voltage Low-Overhead Asynchronous Logic". Proceedings of International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design 2013, September, 2013.

A new delay-bounded asynchronous logic technique aimed at maximizing reliability at very low voltages is proposed. Compared to previous asynchronous logic approaches, the area and nominal delay overheads are small. Conventional standard cell libraries and conventional logic synthesis tools are used. The bounding delay elements used by the asynchronous controller feature programmable delays that are initially set based on static timing analysis. However, the delay elements are updated on-the-fly during actual operation of the circuit, resulting in strong resiliency even at low voltages and with extreme variations. Several benchmark circuits were implemented with the new asynchronous design flow using the 45nm TI process. Monte Carlo analysis demonstrates the expected resiliency. Compared to the equivalent synchronous circuits, the asynchronous versions have area overheads averaging 40%, although much smaller for large circuits. Nominal delay overheads average about 10%.

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  • HTML
    Akshay Sridharan, Carl Sechen, Roozbeh Jafari. <a
    >Low-Voltage Low-Overhead Asynchronous Logic</a>,
    Proceedings of International Symposium on Low Power
    Electronics and Design 2013, September, 2013.
  • Plain text
    Akshay Sridharan, Carl Sechen, Roozbeh Jafari.
    "Low-Voltage Low-Overhead Asynchronous Logic".
    Proceedings of International Symposium on Low Power
    Electronics and Design 2013, September, 2013.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Akshay Sridharan and Carl Sechen and Roozbeh Jafari},
        title = {Low-Voltage Low-Overhead Asynchronous Logic},
        booktitle = {Proceedings of International Symposium on Low
                  Power Electronics and Design 2013},
        month = {September},
        year = {2013},
        abstract = {A new delay-bounded asynchronous logic technique
                  aimed at maximizing reliability at very low
                  voltages is proposed. Compared to previous
                  asynchronous logic approaches, the area and
                  nominal delay overheads are small. Conventional
                  standard cell libraries and conventional logic
                  synthesis tools are used. The bounding delay
                  elements used by the asynchronous controller
                  feature programmable delays that are initially set
                  based on static timing analysis. However, the
                  delay elements are updated on-the-fly during
                  actual operation of the circuit, resulting in
                  strong resiliency even at low voltages and with
                  extreme variations. Several benchmark circuits
                  were implemented with the new asynchronous design
                  flow using the 45nm TI process. Monte Carlo
                  analysis demonstrates the expected resiliency.
                  Compared to the equivalent synchronous circuits,
                  the asynchronous versions have area overheads
                  averaging 40%, although much smaller for large
                  circuits. Nominal delay overheads average about
        URL = {http://terraswarm.org/pubs/67.html}

Posted by Mila MacBain on 14 May 2013.

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