Sequential Selection of Window Length for Improved SSVEP-Based BCI Classification
Erik C. Johnson, James J. S. Norton, David Jun, Timothy Bretl, Douglas L. Jones

Erik C. Johnson, James J. S. Norton, David Jun, Timothy Bretl, Douglas L. Jones. "Sequential Selection of Window Length for Improved SSVEP-Based BCI Classification". Proceedings of International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) 2013, July, 2013.

Brain-computer interfaces (BCI) utilizing steadystate visually evoked potentials (SSVEP) recorded by electroencephalography(EEG) have exciting potential to enable new systems for disabled individuals and novel controls for robotic and computer systems. To interact with SSVEP-based BCIs, users attend to visual stimuli modulated at predetermined frequencies. A key problem for SSVEP-based BCIs is to classify which modulation frequency the user is attending, for which there is an inherent trade-off between speed and accuracy. As SSVEP signals vary with time and stimulation frequency, a fixed-length data window does not necessarily optimize this trade-off. The authors propose a strategy, developed from sequential analysis, to vary the window-length used for classification. The proposed technique adapts to the data, continuing to collect data until it is confident enough to make a classification decision. The strategy was compared to a fixed window-length method using a simple experiment involving five frequencies presented individually to three participants. Using a canonical correlation analysis classifier to compare the proposed variablelength scheme to a standard fixed-length scheme, the variablelength approach improved the classifier information transfer rate by an average of 43%.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Erik C. Johnson, James J. S. Norton, David Jun, Timothy
    Bretl, Douglas L. Jones. <a
    >Sequential Selection of Window Length for Improved
    SSVEP-Based BCI Classification</a>, Proceedings of
    International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine
    and Biology Society (EMBC) 2013, July, 2013.
  • Plain text
    Erik C. Johnson, James J. S. Norton, David Jun, Timothy
    Bretl, Douglas L. Jones. "Sequential Selection of
    Window Length for Improved SSVEP-Based BCI
    Classification". Proceedings of International
    Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology
    Society (EMBC) 2013, July, 2013.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Erik C. Johnson and James J. S. Norton and David
                  Jun and Timothy Bretl and Douglas L. Jones},
        title = {Sequential Selection of Window Length for Improved
                  SSVEP-Based BCI Classification},
        booktitle = {Proceedings of International Conference of the
                  IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
                  (EMBC) 2013},
        month = {July},
        year = {2013},
        abstract = {Brain-computer interfaces (BCI) utilizing
                  steadystate visually evoked potentials (SSVEP)
                  recorded by electroencephalography(EEG) have
                  exciting potential to enable new systems for
                  disabled individuals and novel controls for
                  robotic and computer systems. To interact with
                  SSVEP-based BCIs, users attend to visual stimuli
                  modulated at predetermined frequencies. A key
                  problem for SSVEP-based BCIs is to classify which
                  modulation frequency the user is attending, for
                  which there is an inherent trade-off between speed
                  and accuracy. As SSVEP signals vary with time and
                  stimulation frequency, a fixed-length data window
                  does not necessarily optimize this trade-off. The
                  authors propose a strategy, developed from
                  sequential analysis, to vary the window-length
                  used for classification. The proposed technique
                  adapts to the data, continuing to collect data
                  until it is confident enough to make a
                  classification decision. The strategy was compared
                  to a fixed window-length method using a simple
                  experiment involving five frequencies presented
                  individually to three participants. Using a
                  canonical correlation analysis classifier to
                  compare the proposed variablelength scheme to a
                  standard fixed-length scheme, the variablelength
                  approach improved the classifier information
                  transfer rate by an average of 43%.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Mila MacBain on 14 May 2013.

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