Active Magnetic Anomaly Detection Using Multiple Micro Aerial Vehicles
Philip Dames, Mac Schwager, Daniela Rus, Vijay Kumar

Philip Dames, Mac Schwager, Daniela Rus, Vijay Kumar. "Active Magnetic Anomaly Detection Using Multiple Micro Aerial Vehicles". submitted to the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (R-AL), November 2015.

Magnetic Anomaly Detection (MAD) is an important problem in applications ranging from geological surveillance to military reconnaissance. MAD sensors detect local disturbances in the magnetic field, which can be used to detect the existence of and to estimate the position of buried, hidden, or submerged objects, such as ore deposits or mines. These sensors may experience false positive and false negative detections and, without prior knowledge of the targets, can only determine proximity to a target. The uncertainty in the sensors, coupled with a lack of knowledge of even the existence of targets, makes the estimation and control problems challenging. We utilize a hierarchical decomposition of the environment, coupled with an estimation algorithm based on random finite sets, to determine the number of and the locations of targets in the environment. The small team of robots follow the gradient of mutual information between the estimated set of targets and the future measurements, locally maximizing the rate of information gain. We present experimental results of a team of quadrotor micro aerial vehicles discovering and localizing an unknown number of permanent magnets.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Philip Dames, Mac Schwager, Daniela Rus, Vijay Kumar. <a
    >Active Magnetic Anomaly Detection Using Multiple Micro
    Aerial Vehicles</a>, <i>submitted to the IEEE
    Robotics and Automation Letters (R-AL)</i>, November
  • Plain text
    Philip Dames, Mac Schwager, Daniela Rus, Vijay Kumar.
    "Active Magnetic Anomaly Detection Using Multiple Micro
    Aerial Vehicles". <i>submitted to the IEEE
    Robotics and Automation Letters (R-AL)</i>, November
  • BibTeX
        author = {Philip Dames and Mac Schwager and Daniela Rus and
                  Vijay Kumar},
        title = {Active Magnetic Anomaly Detection Using Multiple
                  Micro Aerial Vehicles},
        journal = {submitted to the IEEE Robotics and Automation
                  Letters (R-AL)},
        month = {November},
        year = {2015},
        abstract = {Magnetic Anomaly Detection (MAD) is an important
                  problem in applications ranging from geological
                  surveillance to military reconnaissance. MAD
                  sensors detect local disturbances in the magnetic
                  field, which can be used to detect the existence
                  of and to estimate the position of buried, hidden,
                  or submerged objects, such as ore deposits or
                  mines. These sensors may experience false positive
                  and false negative detections and, without prior
                  knowledge of the targets, can only determine
                  proximity to a target. The uncertainty in the
                  sensors, coupled with a lack of knowledge of even
                  the existence of targets, makes the estimation and
                  control problems challenging. We utilize a
                  hierarchical decomposition of the environment,
                  coupled with an estimation algorithm based on
                  random finite sets, to determine the number of and
                  the locations of targets in the environment. The
                  small team of robots follow the gradient of mutual
                  information between the estimated set of targets
                  and the future measurements, locally maximizing
                  the rate of information gain. We present
                  experimental results of a team of quadrotor micro
                  aerial vehicles discovering and localizing an
                  unknown number of permanent magnets.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Elizabeth Coyne on 9 Nov 2015.
Groups: services tools

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