Optimal Resource Allocation for Containing Epidemics on Time-Varying Networks
Cameron Nowzari, Ogura Masaki, Victor M. Preciado, George Pappas

Cameron Nowzari, Ogura Masaki, Victor M. Preciado, George Pappas. "Optimal Resource Allocation for Containing Epidemics on Time-Varying Networks". the proceedings of the 2015 Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, 2015.

This paper studies the Susceptible-Infected- Susceptible (SIS) epidemic model on time-varying interaction graphs in contrast to the majority of other works which only consider static graphs. After presenting the mean-field model and characterizing its stability properties, we formulate and solve an optimal resource allocation problem. More specifically, we first assume that a cost can be paid to reduce the amount of interactions certain nodes can have with others (e.g., by imposing travel restrictions between certain cities). Then, given a budget, we are interested in optimally allocating the budget to best combat the undesired epidemic.We show how this problem can be equivalently formulated as a geometric program and solved in polynomial time. Simulations illustrate our results.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Cameron Nowzari, Ogura Masaki, Victor M. Preciado, George
    Pappas. <a
    >Optimal Resource Allocation for Containing Epidemics on
    Time-Varying Networks</a>, the proceedings of the 2015
    Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, 2015.
  • Plain text
    Cameron Nowzari, Ogura Masaki, Victor M. Preciado, George
    Pappas. "Optimal Resource Allocation for Containing
    Epidemics on Time-Varying Networks". the proceedings of
    the 2015 Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and
    Computers, 2015.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Cameron Nowzari and Ogura Masaki and Victor M.
                  Preciado and George Pappas},
        title = {Optimal Resource Allocation for Containing
                  Epidemics on Time-Varying Networks},
        booktitle = {the proceedings of the 2015 Asilomar Conference on
                  Signals, Systems, and Computers},
        year = {2015},
        abstract = {This paper studies the Susceptible-Infected-
                  Susceptible (SIS) epidemic model on time-varying
                  interaction graphs in contrast to the majority of
                  other works which only consider static graphs.
                  After presenting the mean-field model and
                  characterizing its stability properties, we
                  formulate and solve an optimal resource allocation
                  problem. More specifically, we first assume that a
                  cost can be paid to reduce the amount of
                  interactions certain nodes can have with others
                  (e.g., by imposing travel restrictions between
                  certain cities). Then, given a budget, we are
                  interested in optimally allocating the budget to
                  best combat the undesired epidemic.We show how
                  this problem can be equivalently formulated as a
                  geometric program and solved in polynomial time.
                  Simulations illustrate our results.},
        URL = {http://terraswarm.org/pubs/702.html}

Posted by Elizabeth Coyne on 1 Dec 2015.
Groups: services

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