APEX: Autonomous Vehicle Plan Verification and Execution
Houssam Abbas, Matthew O'Kelly, Sicun Gao, Shin'ichi Shiraishi, Shinpei Kato, Rahul Mangharam

Houssam Abbas, Matthew O'Kelly, Sicun Gao, Shin'ichi Shiraishi, Shinpei Kato, Rahul Mangharam. "APEX: Autonomous Vehicle Plan Verification and Execution". submitted to the Society of Automotive Engineers, 2015.

Autonomous vehicles (AVs) have already driven millions of miles on public roads, but even the simplest scenarios have not been certified for safety. Current methodologies for the verification of AV's decision and control systems attempt to divorce the lower level, short-term trajectory planning and trajectory tracking functions from the behavioral rules-based framework that governs mid-term actions. Such analysis is typically predicated on the discretization of the state space and has several limitations. First, it requires that a conservative buffer be added around obstacles such that many feasible plans are classified as unsafe. Second, the discretized controllers modeled in this analysis require several refinement steps before being implementable on an actual AV, and typically do not allow the specification of comfort-related properties on the trajectories. In contrast, consumer-ready AVs use motion planning algorithms that generate smooth trajectories. While viable algorithms exist for the generation of smooth trajectories originating from a single state, analysis should consider that the AV faces state estimation errors and disturbances. Third, verification is restricted to a discretized state space with fixed-size cells; this assumption can artificially limit the set of available trajectories if the discretization is too coarse. Conversely, too fine of a discretization renders the problem intractable for automated analysis. This work presents a new verification tool, APEX, which investigates the combined action of a behavioral planner and state lattice-based motion planner to guarantee a safe vehicle trajectory is chosen. In APEX, decisions made at the behavioral layer can be traced through to the spatio-temporal evolution of the AV and verified. Thus, there is no need to create abstractions of the AV's controllers, and aggressive trajectories required for evasive maneuvers can be accurately investigated.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Houssam Abbas, Matthew O'Kelly, Sicun Gao, Shin'ichi
    Shiraishi, Shinpei Kato, Rahul Mangharam. <a
    >APEX: Autonomous Vehicle Plan Verification and
    Execution</a>, <i>submitted to the Society of
    Automotive Engineers</i>,  2015.
  • Plain text
    Houssam Abbas, Matthew O'Kelly, Sicun Gao, Shin'ichi
    Shiraishi, Shinpei Kato, Rahul Mangharam. "APEX:
    Autonomous Vehicle Plan Verification and Execution".
    <i>submitted to the Society of Automotive
    Engineers</i>,  2015.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Houssam Abbas and Matthew O'Kelly and Sicun Gao
                  and Shin'ichi Shiraishi and Shinpei Kato and Rahul
        title = {APEX: Autonomous Vehicle Plan Verification and
        journal = {submitted to the Society of Automotive Engineers},
        year = {2015},
        abstract = {Autonomous vehicles (AVs) have already driven
                  millions of miles on public roads, but even the
                  simplest scenarios have not been certified for
                  safety. Current methodologies for the verification
                  of AV's decision and control systems attempt to
                  divorce the lower level, short-term trajectory
                  planning and trajectory tracking functions from
                  the behavioral rules-based framework that governs
                  mid-term actions. Such analysis is typically
                  predicated on the discretization of the state
                  space and has several limitations. First, it
                  requires that a conservative buffer be added
                  around obstacles such that many feasible plans are
                  classified as unsafe. Second, the discretized
                  controllers modeled in this analysis require
                  several refinement steps before being
                  implementable on an actual AV, and typically do
                  not allow the specification of comfort-related
                  properties on the trajectories. In contrast,
                  consumer-ready AVs use motion planning algorithms
                  that generate smooth trajectories. While viable
                  algorithms exist for the generation of smooth
                  trajectories originating from a single state,
                  analysis should consider that the AV faces state
                  estimation errors and disturbances. Third,
                  verification is restricted to a discretized state
                  space with fixed-size cells; this assumption can
                  artificially limit the set of available
                  trajectories if the discretization is too coarse.
                  Conversely, too fine of a discretization renders
                  the problem intractable for automated analysis.
                  This work presents a new verification tool, APEX,
                  which investigates the combined action of a
                  behavioral planner and state lattice-based motion
                  planner to guarantee a safe vehicle trajectory is
                  chosen. In APEX, decisions made at the behavioral
                  layer can be traced through to the spatio-temporal
                  evolution of the AV and verified. Thus, there is
                  no need to create abstractions of the AV's
                  controllers, and aggressive trajectories required
                  for evasive maneuvers can be accurately
        URL = {http://terraswarm.org/pubs/704.html}

Posted by Elizabeth Coyne on 1 Dec 2015.
Groups: tools

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