Creating Interactive and Visual Educational Resources for AI
Sameer Singh, Sebastian Riedel

Sameer Singh, Sebastian Riedel. "Creating Interactive and Visual Educational Resources for AI". AAAI 2016 Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence (EAAI), February 2015.

Teaching artificial intelligence is effective if the experience is a visual and interactive one, with educational materials that utilize combinations of various content types such as text, math, and code into an integrated experience. Unfortunately, easy-to-use tools for creating such pedagogical resources are not available to the educators, resulting in most courses being taught using a disconnected set of static materials, which is not only ineffective for learning AI, but further, requires repeated and redundant effort for the instructor. In this paper, we introduce Moro, a software tool for easily creating and presenting AI-friendly teaching materials. Moro notebooks integrate content of different types (text, math, code, images), allow realtime interactions via modifiable and executable code blocks, and are viewable in browsers both as long-form pages and as presentations. Creating notebooks is easy and intuitive; the creation tool is also in-browser, is WYSIWYG for quick iterations of editing, and supports a variety of shortcuts and customizations for efficiency. We present three deployed case studies of Moro that widely differ from each other, demonstrating its utility in a variety of scenarios such as in-class teaching and conference tutorials.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Sameer Singh, Sebastian Riedel. <a
    >Creating Interactive and Visual Educational Resources
    for AI</a>, <i>AAAI 2016 Symposium on
    Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence
    (EAAI)</i>, February 2015.
  • Plain text
    Sameer Singh, Sebastian Riedel. "Creating Interactive
    and Visual Educational Resources for AI". <i>AAAI
    2016 Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial
    Intelligence (EAAI)</i>, February 2015.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Sameer Singh and Sebastian Riedel},
        title = {Creating Interactive and Visual Educational
                  Resources for AI},
        journal = {AAAI 2016 Symposium on Educational Advances in
                  Artificial Intelligence (EAAI)},
        month = {February},
        year = {2015},
        abstract = {Teaching artificial intelligence is effective if
                  the experience is a visual and interactive one,
                  with educational materials that utilize
                  combinations of various content types such as
                  text, math, and code into an integrated
                  experience. Unfortunately, easy-to-use tools for
                  creating such pedagogical resources are not
                  available to the educators, resulting in most
                  courses being taught using a disconnected set of
                  static materials, which is not only ineffective
                  for learning AI, but further, requires repeated
                  and redundant effort for the instructor. In this
                  paper, we introduce Moro, a software tool for
                  easily creating and presenting AI-friendly
                  teaching materials. Moro notebooks integrate
                  content of different types (text, math, code,
                  images), allow realtime interactions via
                  modifiable and executable code blocks, and are
                  viewable in browsers both as long-form pages and
                  as presentations. Creating notebooks is easy and
                  intuitive; the creation tool is also in-browser,
                  is WYSIWYG for quick iterations of editing, and
                  supports a variety of shortcuts and customizations
                  for efficiency. We present three deployed case
                  studies of Moro that widely differ from each
                  other, demonstrating its utility in a variety of
                  scenarios such as in-class teaching and conference
        URL = {}

Posted by Elizabeth Coyne on 2 Dec 2015.
Groups: services

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