Obfuscator Synthesis for Privacy and Utility
Yi-Chin Wu, Vasu Raman, Stephane Lafortune, Sanjit Seshia

Yi-Chin Wu, Vasu Raman, Stephane Lafortune, Sanjit Seshia. "Obfuscator Synthesis for Privacy and Utility". 8th NASA Formal Methods Symposium, June 2016.

We consider the problem of synthesizing an obfuscation policy that enforces privacy while preserving utility with formal guarantees. Specifically, we consider plants modeled as finite state automata with pre-defined secret behaviors. A given plant generates event strings for some useful computation, but meanwhile wants to hide its secret behaviors from any outside observer. We formally capture the privacy and utility specifications using the automaton model of the plant. To enforce both specifications, we propose an obfuscation mechanism where an edit function "edits" the plant's output in a reactive manner. We develop algorithmic procedures that synthesize a correct-by-construction edit function satisfying both privacy and utility specifications. To address the state explosion problem, we encode the synthesis algorithm symbolically using Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs). We present experimental results demonstrating the performance of our algorithms on illustrative examples. This is the first work, to our knowledge, to successfully synthesize controllers satisfying both privacy and utility requirements.

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  • HTML
    Yi-Chin Wu, Vasu Raman, Stephane Lafortune, Sanjit Seshia.
    >Obfuscator Synthesis for Privacy and Utility</a>,
    <i>8th NASA Formal Methods Symposium</i>, June
  • Plain text
    Yi-Chin Wu, Vasu Raman, Stephane Lafortune, Sanjit Seshia.
    "Obfuscator Synthesis for Privacy and Utility".
    <i>8th NASA Formal Methods Symposium</i>, June
  • BibTeX
        author = {Yi-Chin Wu and Vasu Raman and Stephane Lafortune
                  and Sanjit Seshia},
        title = {Obfuscator Synthesis for Privacy and Utility},
        journal = {8th NASA Formal Methods Symposium},
        month = {June},
        year = {2016},
        abstract = {We consider the problem of synthesizing an
                  obfuscation policy that enforces privacy while
                  preserving utility with formal guarantees.
                  Specifically, we consider plants modeled as finite
                  state automata with pre-defined secret behaviors.
                  A given plant generates event strings for some
                  useful computation, but meanwhile wants to hide
                  its secret behaviors from any outside observer. We
                  formally capture the privacy and utility
                  specifications using the automaton model of the
                  plant. To enforce both specifications, we propose
                  an obfuscation mechanism where an edit function
                  "edits" the plant's output in a reactive manner.
                  We develop algorithmic procedures that synthesize
                  a correct-by-construction edit function satisfying
                  both privacy and utility specifications. To
                  address the state explosion problem, we encode the
                  synthesis algorithm symbolically using Binary
                  Decision Diagrams (BDDs). We present experimental
                  results demonstrating the performance of our
                  algorithms on illustrative examples. This is the
                  first work, to our knowledge, to successfully
                  synthesize controllers satisfying both privacy and
                  utility requirements.},
        URL = {http://terraswarm.org/pubs/750.html}

Posted by Elizabeth Coyne on 2 Mar 2016.
Groups: services

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