Energy Management in Wireless Mobile Systems Using Dynamic Task Assignment
Priti Aghera, Jinseok Yang, Piero Zappi, Dilip Krishnaswamy, Ayse Coskun, Tajana Simunic Rosing

Priti Aghera, Jinseok Yang, Piero Zappi, Dilip Krishnaswamy, Ayse Coskun, Tajana Simunic Rosing. "Energy Management in Wireless Mobile Systems Using Dynamic Task Assignment". Journal of Low Power Electronics, 9(2):1-19, August 2013.

Wireless mobile sensing systems are hierarchical and heterogeneous in nature with components that have different energy and performance capabilities. In such systems allocation of tasks to different devices affects both performance and the entire system battery lifetime. In this paper we formulate the problem of optimal task assignment with objectives related to minimizing the total system energy consumption and maximizing the system lifetime as an Integer Linear Program (ILP). We describe a heuristic algorithm and two dynamic graph-based partitioning algorithms that are computationally efficient and that are able to adapt in real-time to changing system conditions. ILP based solutions are able to achieve optimal task assignment, but cannot be used in dynamically changing conditions due to their computationally expensive nature. We evaluate the performance of our three dynamic algorithms using Qualnet and show that they have up to 88% longer system lifetime than the ILP based solutions.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Priti  Aghera, Jinseok Yang, Piero  Zappi, Dilip 
    Krishnaswamy, Ayse  Coskun, Tajana Simunic Rosing. <a
    >Energy Management in Wireless Mobile Systems Using
    Dynamic Task Assignment</a>, <i>Journal of Low
    Power Electronics</i>, 9(2):1-19, August 2013.
  • Plain text
    Priti  Aghera, Jinseok Yang, Piero  Zappi, Dilip 
    Krishnaswamy, Ayse  Coskun, Tajana Simunic Rosing.
    "Energy Management in Wireless Mobile Systems Using
    Dynamic Task Assignment". <i>Journal of Low Power
    Electronics</i>, 9(2):1-19, August 2013.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Priti  Aghera and Jinseok Yang and Piero  Zappi
                  and Dilip  Krishnaswamy and Ayse  Coskun and
                  Tajana Simunic Rosing},
        title = {Energy Management in Wireless Mobile Systems Using
                  Dynamic Task Assignment},
        journal = {Journal of Low Power Electronics},
        volume = {9},
        number = {2},
        pages = {1-19},
        month = {August},
        year = {2013},
        abstract = {Wireless mobile sensing systems are hierarchical
                  and heterogeneous in nature with components that
                  have different energy and performance
                  capabilities. In such systems allocation of tasks
                  to different devices affects both performance and
                  the entire system battery lifetime. In this paper
                  we formulate the problem of optimal task
                  assignment with objectives related to minimizing
                  the total system energy consumption and maximizing
                  the system lifetime as an Integer Linear Program
                  (ILP). We describe a heuristic algorithm and two
                  dynamic graph-based partitioning algorithms that
                  are computationally efficient and that are able to
                  adapt in real-time to changing system conditions.
                  ILP based solutions are able to achieve optimal
                  task assignment, but cannot be used in dynamically
                  changing conditions due to their computationally
                  expensive nature. We evaluate the performance of
                  our three dynamic algorithms using Qualnet and
                  show that they have up to 88% longer system
                  lifetime than the ILP based solutions.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Jinseok Yang on 3 Jul 2013.

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