Theme 2 Services and Cloud Interactions
TerraSwarm Team

TerraSwarm Team. "Theme 2 Services and Cloud Interactions". Talk or presentation, 26, October, 2016; Presented at the 2016 TerraSwarm Annual Meeting.

The TerraSwarm vision is one of composable services that can be dynamically recruited by applications. Formally, applications are dened as dynamic, distributed graphs of connected services. Both "dynamic" and "distributed" are important here; applications persist even as the individual components that comprise these applications change. This view elevates the concept of an integrated modular architecture (IMA), today's target for systems-of-systems design, from the system level to the enterprise level, and augments it with discovery and run-time adaptation.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    TerraSwarm Team. <a
    2 Services and Cloud Interactions</i></a>, Talk
    or presentation,  26, October, 2016; Presented at the <a
    >2016 TerraSwarm Annual Meeting</a>.
  • Plain text
    TerraSwarm Team. "Theme 2 Services and Cloud
    Interactions". Talk or presentation,  26, October,
    2016; Presented at the <a
    >2016 TerraSwarm Annual Meeting</a>.
  • BibTeX
        author = {TerraSwarm Team},
        title = {Theme 2 Services and Cloud Interactions},
        day = {26},
        month = {October},
        year = {2016},
        note = {Presented at the <a
                  >2016 TerraSwarm Annual Meeting</a>.},
        abstract = {The TerraSwarm vision is one of composable
                  services that can be dynamically recruited by
                  applications. Formally, applications are dened as
                  dynamic, distributed graphs of connected services.
                  Both "dynamic" and "distributed" are important
                  here; applications persist even as the individual
                  components that comprise these applications
                  change. This view elevates the concept of an
                  integrated modular architecture (IMA), today's
                  target for systems-of-systems design, from the
                  system level to the enterprise level, and augments
                  it with discovery and run-time adaptation.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Christopher Brooks on 26 Oct 2016.
Groups: services

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