The Human Intranet
Jan Rabaey

Jan Rabaey. "The Human Intranet". Tutorial, 13, December, 2016.

With the explosive growth of the "smart" society, enormous amounts of information are instantaneously available in the enhanced world around us, or the cyberworld beyond. Hence one may wonder if the traditional human input/output modalities have the necessary bandwidth or expressiveness to effectively deal with the increasing pace of an "augmented world". The questions we are trying to address as part of this two-year Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) STARnet funded project is if and how advances in semiconductor and information processing technologies may help to alter this unbalance? A first-generation Human Intranet intended to boost human input-output performance will be developed as an open, scalable, form fitting platform. It will seamlessly integrate an ever-increasing number of sensor, actuation, computation, storage, communication and energy nodes located on, in, or around the human body acting in symbiosis with the functions provided by the body itself. It will include a communication backbone, a heterogeneous power and data network, consisting of wired and wireless links. Given the limited two-year span, we plan to focus on just a couple of use cases. One would focus on hybrid sensory expansion, while another would enable higher information output throughput through low-SNR actuation devices (such as pressure sensitive on-skin keyboards). Prototype systems will be built using existing as well as emerging devices. These prototypes will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the techniques in terms of measurable parameters such as throughout increase, sensitivity enhancement, scope extension and learning complexity. Designed to work within an environment where devices connect to each other and collaborate to fulfill goals, the prototype systems will be built using existing as well as emerging devices. Possible applications include less invasive medical diagnostic, monitoring, and treatment options; improved treatment outcomes; innovation; and improved communication.

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  • HTML
    Jan Rabaey. <a
    ><i>The Human Intranet</i></a>,
    Tutorial,  13, December, 2016.
  • Plain text
    Jan Rabaey. "The Human Intranet". Tutorial,  13,
    December, 2016.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Jan Rabaey},
        title = {The Human Intranet},
        day = {13},
        month = {December},
        year = {2016},
        abstract = {With the explosive growth of the "smart" society,
                  enormous amounts of information are
                  instantaneously available in the enhanced world
                  around us, or the cyberworld beyond. Hence one may
                  wonder if the traditional human input/output
                  modalities have the necessary bandwidth or
                  expressiveness to effectively deal with the
                  increasing pace of an "augmented world". The
                  questions we are trying to address as part of this
                  two-year Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC)
                  STARnet funded project is if and how advances in
                  semiconductor and information processing
                  technologies may help to alter this unbalance? A
                  first-generation Human Intranet intended to boost
                  human input-output performance will be developed
                  as an open, scalable, form fitting platform. It
                  will seamlessly integrate an ever-increasing
                  number of sensor, actuation, computation, storage,
                  communication and energy nodes located on, in, or
                  around the human body acting in symbiosis with the
                  functions provided by the body itself. It will
                  include a communication backbone, a heterogeneous
                  power and data network, consisting of wired and
                  wireless links. Given the limited two-year span,
                  we plan to focus on just a couple of use cases.
                  One would focus on hybrid sensory expansion, while
                  another would enable higher information output
                  throughput through low-SNR actuation devices (such
                  as pressure sensitive on-skin keyboards).
                  Prototype systems will be built using existing as
                  well as emerging devices. These prototypes will be
                  used to evaluate the effectiveness of the
                  techniques in terms of measurable parameters such
                  as throughout increase, sensitivity enhancement,
                  scope extension and learning complexity. Designed
                  to work within an environment where devices
                  connect to each other and collaborate to fulfill
                  goals, the prototype systems will be built using
                  existing as well as emerging devices. Possible
                  applications include less invasive medical
                  diagnostic, monitoring, and treatment options;
                  improved treatment outcomes; innovation; and
                  improved communication.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Elizabeth Coyne on 7 Nov 2016.
Groups: pw

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