DRONA: A Framework for Safe Distributed Mobile Robotics
Ankush Desai

Ankush Desai. "DRONA: A Framework for Safe Distributed Mobile Robotics". Tutorial, 30, March, 2017.

Distributed mobile robotics DMR involves teams of robots navigating in a physical space to achieve tasks in a coordinated fashion. A major challenge in DMR is to program the ensemble of robots with formal guarantees and high assurance of correct operation. To this end, we introduce DRONA, a framework for building reliable DMR applications. This presentation makes three central contributions: (1) We present a novel and provably correct decentralized asynchronous motion planner that can perform on-the-fly collision-free planning for dynamically generated tasks. Moreover, the motion planner is the first to take into account the fact that distributed robots may have clocks that are only synchronized up to a tolerance, i.e., they are almost synchronous; (2) We formalize the DMR system as a mixed-synchronous system, and present a sound abstraction-based verification approach for DMR systems, and (3) DRONA provides a state-machine based language for safe event-driven programming of a DMR system and the generated C code by the compiler can be executed on robot operating system (ROS). To demonstrate the efficacy of DRONA, we build and verify an example priority mail delivery system. Using our abstraction-based verification approach we were able to find, within a few minutes, bugs which could not be found by performing random simulation for several hours. Our verified decentralized motion-planner scales efficiently for large number of robots (upto 128 robots) and workspace sizes (upto a 256x256 grid).

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  • HTML
    Ankush Desai. <a
    ><i>DRONA: A Framework for Safe Distributed Mobile
    Robotics</i></a>, Tutorial,  30, March, 2017.
  • Plain text
    Ankush Desai. "DRONA: A Framework for Safe Distributed
    Mobile Robotics". Tutorial,  30, March, 2017.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Ankush Desai},
        title = {DRONA: A Framework for Safe Distributed Mobile
        day = {30},
        month = {March},
        year = {2017},
        abstract = {Distributed mobile robotics DMR involves teams of
                  robots navigating in a physical space to achieve
                  tasks in a coordinated fashion. A major challenge
                  in DMR is to program the ensemble of robots with
                  formal guarantees and high assurance of correct
                  operation. To this end, we introduce DRONA, a
                  framework for building reliable DMR applications.
                  This presentation makes three central
                  contributions: (1) We present a novel and provably
                  correct decentralized asynchronous motion planner
                  that can perform on-the-fly collision-free
                  planning for dynamically generated tasks.
                  Moreover, the motion planner is the first to take
                  into account the fact that distributed robots may
                  have clocks that are only synchronized up to a
                  tolerance, i.e., they are almost synchronous; (2)
                  We formalize the DMR system as a mixed-synchronous
                  system, and present a sound abstraction-based
                  verification approach for DMR systems, and (3)
                  DRONA provides a state-machine based language for
                  safe event-driven programming of a DMR system and
                  the generated C code by the compiler can be
                  executed on robot operating system (ROS). To
                  demonstrate the efficacy of DRONA, we build and
                  verify an example priority mail delivery system.
                  Using our abstraction-based verification approach
                  we were able to find, within a few minutes, bugs
                  which could not be found by performing random
                  simulation for several hours. Our verified
                  decentralized motion-planner scales efficiently
                  for large number of robots (upto 128 robots) and
                  workspace sizes (upto a 256x256 grid). },
        URL = {http://terraswarm.org/pubs/910.html}

Posted by Christopher Brooks on 18 Jan 2017.
Groups: tools

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