Signpost Platform Tutorial
Pat Pannuto

Pat Pannuto. "Signpost Platform Tutorial". Tutorial, 23, February, 2017.

The self-powered outdoor signpost platform that PI Dutta and his group have developed will form the centerpiece for one of the demonstrator projects. A first application will analyze local sensor data to form context awareness. A specific challenge will be analyzing acoustic information from a microphone to do event detection and to publish events via the Global Data Plane. The software framework for the signpost will form a test case for the SwarmOS, where components that run natively on the signpost will interact with services in nearby SwarmBoxes and with cloud-based services. This deployment will also advance and evaluate LoRaWAN networking as a framework for such Smart City infrastructure.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Pat Pannuto. <a
    ><i>Signpost Platform Tutorial</i></a>,
    Tutorial,  23, February, 2017.
  • Plain text
    Pat Pannuto. "Signpost Platform Tutorial".
    Tutorial,  23, February, 2017.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Pat Pannuto},
        title = {Signpost Platform Tutorial},
        day = {23},
        month = {February},
        year = {2017},
        abstract = {The self-powered outdoor signpost platform that PI
                  Dutta and his group have developed will form the
                  centerpiece for one of the demonstrator projects.
                  A first application will analyze local sensor data
                  to form context awareness. A specific challenge
                  will be analyzing acoustic information from a
                  microphone to do event detection and to publish
                  events via the Global Data Plane. The software
                  framework for the signpost will form a test case
                  for the SwarmOS, where components that run
                  natively on the signpost will interact with
                  services in nearby SwarmBoxes and with cloud-based
                  services. This deployment will also advance and
                  evaluate LoRaWAN networking as a framework for
                  such Smart City infrastructure. },
        URL = {}

Posted by Christopher Brooks on 19 Jan 2017.
Groups: pw

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