Turning Coders into Makers: The Promise of Embedded Design Generation
Rohit Ramesh, Richard Lin, Antonio Iannopollo, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Bjoern Hartmann, Prabal Dutta

Rohit Ramesh, Richard Lin, Antonio Iannopollo, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Bjoern Hartmann, Prabal Dutta. "Turning Coders into Makers: The Promise of Embedded Design Generation". Symposium on Computational Fabrication, ACM, 9, June, 2017.

As personal fabrication becomes increasingly accessible and popular, larger number of makers, many without formal training, are dabbling in embedded and electronics design. However, existing general-purpose, board-level circuit design techniques do not share desirable properties of modern software development, like rich abstraction layers and automated compiler checks. These facilitate powerful tools that ultimately lower the barrier to entry for programming, by allowing a higher level of design-separating usage from implementation-and providing automated guidance and feedback. In this paper, we present a novel methodology for embedded design generation that allows the generation of complete designs from high-level specifications. We present an implementation capable of synthesizing a variety of examples to show that our approach is promising. Starting from user-specified requirements and a library of available components, our tool encodes the design space as a system of constraints. Off-the-shelf solvers then reason over these constraints to produce a block diagram containing sufficient information to generate the finalized device firmware and circuit netlist.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Rohit Ramesh, Richard Lin, Antonio Iannopollo, Alberto
    Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Bjoern Hartmann, Prabal Dutta.
    >Turning Coders into Makers: The Promise of Embedded
    Design Generation</a>, Symposium on Computational
    Fabrication, ACM, 9, June, 2017.
  • Plain text
    Rohit Ramesh, Richard Lin, Antonio Iannopollo, Alberto
    Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Bjoern Hartmann, Prabal Dutta.
    "Turning Coders into Makers: The Promise of Embedded
    Design Generation". Symposium on Computational
    Fabrication, ACM, 9, June, 2017.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Rohit Ramesh and Richard Lin and Antonio
                  Iannopollo and Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli and
                  Bjoern Hartmann and Prabal Dutta},
        title = {Turning Coders into Makers: The Promise of
                  Embedded Design Generation},
        booktitle = {Symposium on Computational Fabrication},
        organization = {ACM},
        day = {9},
        month = {June},
        year = {2017},
        abstract = {As personal fabrication becomes increasingly
                  accessible and popular, larger number of makers,
                  many without formal training, are dabbling in
                  embedded and electronics design. However, existing
                  general-purpose, board-level circuit design
                  techniques do not share desirable properties of
                  modern software development, like rich abstraction
                  layers and automated compiler checks. These
                  facilitate powerful tools that ultimately lower
                  the barrier to entry for programming, by allowing
                  a higher level of design-separating usage from
                  implementation-and providing automated guidance
                  and feedback. In this paper, we present a novel
                  methodology for embedded design generation that
                  allows the generation of complete designs from
                  high-level specifications. We present an
                  implementation capable of synthesizing a variety
                  of examples to show that our approach is
                  promising. Starting from user-specified
                  requirements and a library of available
                  components, our tool encodes the design space as a
                  system of constraints. Off-the-shelf solvers then
                  reason over these constraints to produce a block
                  diagram containing sufficient information to
                  generate the finalized device firmware and circuit
        URL = {http://terraswarm.org/pubs/945.html}

Posted by Mary Stewart on 9 May 2017.
Groups: tools

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