A Wavelet Based Low Power Architecture for Periodic Activity Monitoring
Mohammad-Mahdi Bidmeshki, Roozbeh Jafari

Mohammad-Mahdi Bidmeshki, Roozbeh Jafari. "A Wavelet Based Low Power Architecture for Periodic Activity Monitoring". SRC Techcon, 2013, Austin, TX, 20, June, 2013.

Continuous and real-time monitoring of human activities has numerous applications in health-care and wellness domains. Light-weight wearable computers utilizing inertial sensors are ideal for real-time monitoring. However, power requirement is a major obstacle for miniaturization of wearable systems, due to the need for sizable batteries. In this paper, we propose a low-power programmable signal processing architecture for activity monitoring applications. The significant power reduction is achieved by performing signal processing in a tiered-fashion and removing the signals that are not of interest as early as possible. This architecture uses wavelet decomposition and is suitable for the discrimination of periodic activities. The experimental results show that this architecture achieves 75.7% power saving while maintaining 96.9% sensitivity, compared to the scenario where the signal processing is not performed in tiered-fashion.

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  • HTML
    Mohammad-Mahdi Bidmeshki, Roozbeh Jafari. <a
    >A Wavelet Based Low Power Architecture for Periodic
    Activity Monitoring</a>, SRC Techcon, 2013, Austin,
    TX, 20, June, 2013.
  • Plain text
    Mohammad-Mahdi Bidmeshki, Roozbeh Jafari. "A Wavelet
    Based Low Power Architecture for Periodic Activity
    Monitoring". SRC Techcon, 2013, Austin, TX, 20, June,
  • BibTeX
        author = {Mohammad-Mahdi Bidmeshki and Roozbeh Jafari},
        title = {A Wavelet Based Low Power Architecture for
                  Periodic Activity Monitoring},
        booktitle = {SRC Techcon, 2013, Austin, TX},
        day = {20},
        month = {June},
        year = {2013},
        abstract = {Continuous and real-time monitoring of human
                  activities has numerous applications in
                  health-care and wellness domains. Light-weight
                  wearable computers utilizing inertial sensors are
                  ideal for real-time monitoring. However, power
                  requirement is a major obstacle for
                  miniaturization of wearable systems, due to the
                  need for sizable batteries. In this paper, we
                  propose a low-power programmable signal processing
                  architecture for activity monitoring applications.
                  The significant power reduction is achieved by
                  performing signal processing in a tiered-fashion
                  and removing the signals that are not of interest
                  as early as possible. This architecture uses
                  wavelet decomposition and is suitable for the
                  discrimination of periodic activities. The
                  experimental results show that this architecture
                  achieves 75.7% power saving while maintaining
                  96.9% sensitivity, compared to the scenario where
                  the signal processing is not performed in
        URL = {http://terraswarm.org/pubs/96.html}

Posted by Christopher Brooks on 14 Aug 2013.

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