An Interactive Context-aware Power Management Technique for Optimizing Sensor Network Lifetime
Jinseok Yang, Sameer Tilak, Tajana Simunic Rosing

Jinseok Yang, Sameer Tilak, Tajana Simunic Rosing. "An Interactive Context-aware Power Management Technique for Optimizing Sensor Network Lifetime". Unpublished article, 2013.

A key problem in sensor networks equipped with renewable energy sources is deciding how do you allocate energy to various tasks (sensing, communication etc.) over time so that the deployed network continues to gather highquality data. The state-of-the-art energy allocation algorithm (Progressive Filling) takes into account current battery level and harvesting energy and fairly allocates as much energy as possible along the time dimension. In this paper we show that by not considering application-context this approach leads to very high and uniform sampling rates. However, sampling the environment at fixed predefined intervals is neither possible (need to accommodate system failures) nor desirable (sampling rate might not capture an important event with desired fidelity). To that end, in this paper we propose a novel interactive power management technique that adapts sampling rate as a function of both application-level context (e.g., user request) and system-level context (e.g harvesting energy availability). We vary several key parameters including application request patterns, geographic locations, time slot length, battery end point voltage and evaluate the performance of our approach in terms of energy efficiency and accuracy. Our simulations use sensor data and system specifications (battery and solar panel specs, sensing and communication costs) from a real sensor network deployment. Our results show that the proposed approach saves significant amounts of energy by avoiding oversampling when application does not need it and uses this saved energy to support sampling at high rates to capture event with necessary fidelity when needed. The computational complexity of our approach is lower ( O(n)) than the state-of-the-art non-interactive energy allocation algorithm (O(n2)).

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Jinseok Yang, Sameer Tilak, Tajana Simunic Rosing. <a
    ><i>An Interactive Context-aware Power Management
    Technique for Optimizing Sensor Network
    Lifetime</i></a>, Unpublished article,  2013.
  • Plain text
    Jinseok Yang, Sameer Tilak, Tajana Simunic Rosing. "An
    Interactive Context-aware Power Management Technique for
    Optimizing Sensor Network Lifetime". Unpublished
    article,  2013.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Jinseok Yang and Sameer Tilak and Tajana Simunic
        title = {An Interactive Context-aware Power Management
                  Technique for Optimizing Sensor Network Lifetime},
        year = {2013},
        abstract = {A key problem in sensor networks equipped with
                  renewable energy sources is deciding how do you
                  allocate energy to various tasks (sensing,
                  communication etc.) over time so that the deployed
                  network continues to gather highquality data. The
                  state-of-the-art energy allocation algorithm
                  (Progressive Filling) takes into account current
                  battery level and harvesting energy and fairly
                  allocates as much energy as possible along the
                  time dimension. In this paper we show that by not
                  considering application-context this approach
                  leads to very high and uniform sampling rates.
                  However, sampling the environment at fixed
                  predefined intervals is neither possible (need to
                  accommodate system failures) nor desirable
                  (sampling rate might not capture an important
                  event with desired fidelity). To that end, in this
                  paper we propose a novel interactive power
                  management technique that adapts sampling rate as
                  a function of both application-level context
                  (e.g., user request) and system-level context (e.g
                  harvesting energy availability). We vary several
                  key parameters including application request
                  patterns, geographic locations, time slot length,
                  battery end point voltage and evaluate the
                  performance of our approach in terms of energy
                  efficiency and accuracy. Our simulations use
                  sensor data and system specifications (battery and
                  solar panel specs, sensing and communication
                  costs) from a real sensor network deployment. Our
                  results show that the proposed approach saves
                  significant amounts of energy by avoiding
                  oversampling when application does not need it and
                  uses this saved energy to support sampling at high
                  rates to capture event with necessary fidelity
                  when needed. The computational complexity of our
                  approach is lower ( O(n)) than the
                  state-of-the-art non-interactive energy allocation
                  algorithm (O(n2)).},
        URL = {}

Posted by Mila MacBain on 21 Aug 2013.

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