Team for Research in
Ubiquitous Secure Technology

TRUST Autumn 2005 Conference: June 26, 27, 28, 2005

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Retreat Agenda

Center Organization

Sunday June 26, 2005
1500 - 1600 TRUST: Team for Research in Ubiquitous Secure Technologies
Shankar Sastry (University of California, Berkeley)
1600 - 1700 Scientific Overview of TRUST: Part 2: TRUST's Value Proposition
Fred Schneider (Cornell University)
The Trust Research Program
Shankar Sastry (University of California, Berkeley)
1700 - 1800 Testbeds
Sensornet: The New Science of Public Protection and Awareness
Frank DeNap (Oak Ridge University)
Cyber Defense Technology Experimental Research (DETER) Testbed
Anthony Joseph (University of California, Berkeley)
Anthony Joseph (University of California, Berkeley) for David Culler
Testbed Development at Cornell
Stephen Wicker (Cornell University)
1800 - 2000 Reception followed by Dinner

Research Challenges

Monday June 27, 2005
0830 - 0915 Cybersecurity Technology--Moderator: Fred Schneider (Cornell University)
TRUST: Anti-Phishing Technologies
Dan Boneh (Stanford University)
Worm & Network DoS Defense
Mike Reiter (Carnegie Mellon University)
Software Security: Research in Language-Based Methods
David Wagner (University of California, Berkeley)
0915 - 1000 Trustworthy Systems and Integration Science--Moderator: Doug Schmidt (Vanderbilt University)
Trustworthy System Integration Science for Distributed Real-time & Embedded (DRE) Systems
Doug Schmidt (Vanderbilt University)
TRUST & Model-Integrated Computing:Model-based Integration of TRUSted Systems - Research Plans
Gabor Karsai (Vanderbilt University)
Coping with Challenges of Scale
Ken Birman (Cornell University)
1000 - 1045 Social Sciences: legal, economic, privacy, human usability--Moderator: Pam Samuelson (Berkeley)
Privacy Considerations In Designing Demand/Response Energy Systems
Pam Samuelson (University of California, Berkeley)
Digital Forensics and Privacy
Doug Tygar (University of California, Berkeley)
1045-1100 Break


Monday June 27, 2005
1100 - 1145 Educational Initiatives
Education Overview
Sigurd Meldal (San Jose State University), Janos Sztipanovits (Vanderbilt University)
1100 - 1145 Educational Initiatives
Panel: Integration of Research into Education: (Moderator: Janos Sztipanovits (Vanderbilt University)
David Wagner (University of California, Berkeley)
Mike Reiter (Carnegie Mellon University)
Fred Schneider (Cornell University)
1215 - 1330 Lunch

Outreach, Knowledge Transfer

Monday June 27, 2005
1330 - 1415 Outreach Overview
Ruzena Bajcsy (University of California, Berkeley)
14:15 - 14:45 GIG and Air Force Information Assurance
Knowledge Transfer: GIG and AFRL
Ken Birman (Cornell University)
An Evolutionary Design Process for the Command and Control GIG-IA
Shankar Sastry (University of California, Berkeley)
1445 - 1500 A DOE Perspective on Securing Information Infrastructure
Stephen G. Batsell, (U.S. Department of Energy)
1500 - 1545 Break
1545 - 1630 Treasury and Secret Service: Financial Infrastructures
Building Links from TRUST to the Financial Community
Ken Birman (Cornell University)
Client-side defenses against web-based identity theft
John Mitchell (Stanford University)
TRUST and Financial Infrastructure
Doug Tygar (University of California, Berkeley)
1630 - 1800 Volleyball game and other recreational activities
1800 - 1900 Dinner
1900 - 2100 Industry and Institutional partner presentations coordinated by Shankar Sastry and Christopher Brooks (University of California, Berkeley)
Sekar Chandersekaran (Air Force)
Robert Rodriguez (Secret Service)
Victoria Stavridou-Coleman (Intel)
Stephen Squires (HP)
Ramesh Kesanupalli (Phoenix)
Grace Caulfield and Elias Alagna (Sun)

Academic Partner Presentations

Tuesday June 28, 2005
0830 - 0930 Berkeley research presentations (coordinated by Doug Tygar and Pam Samuelson)
External randomness as a resource for security
Venkatachalam Anantharam
Social Science Research Challenges
Pam Samuelson
Security in Sensor Networks
Tanya Roosta
Trustworthy User Interface Design:Dynamic Security Skins
Rachna Dhamija
0930 - 1030 Cornell presentations (coordinated by Stephen Wicker)
Cornell Research in Trusted Systems
Steve Wicker
Large Scale Sensor Networks
Lang Tong
Trustworthy Computing: Cornell Computer Science Dept.
Emin Gun Sirer
1030 - 1100 Break
1100 - 1200 Carnegie Mellon research presentations (coordinated by Michael Reiter)
Two Applications of Formal Methods to Security
Mike Reiter
Securing Sensor Networks
Adrian Perrig
Sting: an Automatic Defense System against Zero-day Worm Attacks
Dawn Song
1200 - 1300 Lunch
1300 - 1400 Vanderbilt University research presentations (coordinated by Janos Sztipanovits)
Secure Microarchitecture Design
William Robinson
ISIS Research Background for TRUST
Janos Sztipanovits
TRUST & Model-Integrated Computing Model-based Integration of TRUSted Systems
Gabor Karsai
1400 - 1500 Stanford University research presentations
John Mitchell
Scalable Error Detection using Boolean Satisfiability
Alex Aiken
Towards an end-to-end architecture forhandling sensitive data
Hector Garcia-Molina