Interface | Description |
CustomQueryBoxParameter |
An interface for Parameter classes that supply their own
customized GUI element for modifying the query content.
Editable |
This is an interface for objects that can create an editor for interactively
configuring something.
Placeable |
Interface for objects that have UI components that can be placed in containers.
TopPack |
An interface that allows alternate pack() methods to be called from
TableauFrame which allows for functionality such as alternate menu systems
in Vergil.
Class | Description |
AbstractPlaceableActor |
Base class for actors that implement the Placeable interface.
AbstractPlaceableJavaSE |
Base class for AWT and Swing implementation of actors the implement
ActorGraphicalMessageHandler |
A message handler that optionally includes a button that opens the model
that contains the actor that caused the exception.
ArrayOfRecordsPane |
A graphical component that displays the values in an array of records.
ArrayOfRecordsPane.ArrayAsTable |
This class provides an implementation of the
TableModel interface for viewing an array of records.
AWTContainer |
The portable container that wraps java.awt.Container.
BrowserEffigy |
An effigy for a web browser.
BrowserEffigy.Factory |
A factory for creating new effigies.
BrowserLauncher |
BrowserLauncher is a class that provides one static method, openURL,
which opens the default web browser for the current user of the system
to the given URL.
BrowserTableau |
A tableau representing a web browser window.
BrowserTableau.Factory |
A factory that creates web browser tableaux for Ptolemy models.
CheckModelSize |
Class that checks the size, zoom, and location of a model.
ColorAttribute |
This is an attribute that specifies a color.
CommunicationAspectMonitor |
This actor implements a Communication aspect Monitor.
CompositeActorApplication |
This application creates one or more Ptolemy II models given a
classname on the command line, and then executes those models, each in
its own thread.
CompositeActorSimpleApplication |
This application creates one or more Ptolemy II models given a
classname on the command line, and then executes those models, each in
its own thread.
Configuration |
The configuration of an application that uses Ptolemy II classes.
ConfigurationApplication |
An application that reads one or more
files specified on the command line, or instantiates one or
more Java classes specified by the -class option.
ConfigurationApplication.ConfigurationFilenameFilter |
Look for directories that contain files named configuration.xml
and intro.htm.
ConfigurationApplication.IgnoreErrorHandler |
Error Handler that ignore errors.
ConfigurationEffigy |
An effigy for a Ptolemy II model.
Configurer |
This class is an editor for the user settable attributes of an object.
Console |
A tableau that displays Console messages.
Console.ConsoleFrame |
The frame that is created by an instance of Console.
Console.ConsoleFrame.MyByteArrayOutputStream |
Customized ByteArrayOutputStream.
Console.Factory |
A factory that creates a control panel to display Console.
DebugListenerTableau |
A tableau representing a debug listener window.
DebugListenerTableau.DebugListenerFrame |
This class is a top-level window for displaying textual debug
output from an instance of Debuggable.
DialogTableau |
A tableau representing a Dialog in a toplevel window.
EditorFactory |
This is an attribute that can create an editor for interactively
configuring its container.
EditorPaneFactory |
This is an attribute that can create a pane (called a "configuration
widget") for interactively configuring its container.
EditParametersDialog |
This class is a modal dialog box for editing the parameters of a
target object, which is an instance of NamedObj.
Effigy |
An effigy represents model metadata, and is contained by the
model directory or by another effigy.
EffigyFactory |
A configuration contains an instance of this class, and uses it to create
effigies from a URL, or to create blank effigies of a particular kind.
ExecutionAspectPlotterEditorFactory |
Factory that creates the plotter for the schedule of actors on a
resource scheduler.
ExpressionShellEffigy |
A representative of an expression shell.
ExpressionShellEffigy.ShellFactory |
A factory for creating new Ptolemy effigies.
ExpressionShellFrame |
A frame that provides an interactive shell for evaluating expressions.
ExpressionShellTableau |
A tableau that provides an interactive shell for evaluating expressions.
ExpressionShellTableau.Factory |
A factory that creates a control panel to display an Expression Shell.
ExternalTextEffigy |
An external EDITOR-based effigy for a text file (see
ExternalTextTableau ). |
ExternalTextTableau |
A tableau representing an external text editor (for now emacs only, with
the gnuserv package installed).
FileOrURLEditorFactory |
An editor factory for an attribute that has a fileOrURL parameter.
GenerateCopyrights |
Generate an HTML file that contains links to the appropriate
copyrights for entities in the configuration.
GenerateCopyrights.FileNameComparator |
Compare two filenames.
HTMLAbout |
This class contains static methods that are called
by when HTMLViewer.hyperlinkUpdate() is invoked on a hyperlink
that starts with
about: . |
HTMLEffigy |
An effigy for an HTML file.
HTMLEffigyFactory |
A factory for creating new effigies for HTML pages.
HTMLViewer |
This class is a toplevel frame that can view HTML documents.
HTMLViewerTableau |
A tableau representing a rendered HTML view in a toplevel window.
HTMLViewerTableau.Factory |
A factory that creates HTML viewer tableaux for Ptolemy models.
InsideEntityEditorPaneFactory |
This is an attribute that can create a pane (called a "configuration
widget") for interactively configuring an entity contained by its container.
JNLPUtilities |
This class contains utilities for use with JNLP, aka Web Start.
JVMTableau |
A tableau that displays Java Virtual Machine information such
as the version number and other properties.
JVMTableau.Factory |
A factory that creates a control panel to display JVM Properties.
LevelSkippingTableauFactory |
This class is an attribute that creates a tableau to view an object
contained by the model associated with the specified effigy.
LiveLink |
An attribute that provides a link to a specified URL.
LocationAttribute |
This attribute stores the width and height of a graphical component.
MatrixPane |
A graphical component that displays the values in a matrix.
MatrixTokenTableau |
A tableau representing matrix tokens in a top-level window with a table.
MatrixTokenTableau.Factory |
A factory that creates a matrix token tableau.
ModelDirectory |
A directory of open models.
ModelFrame |
ModelFrame is a top-level window containing a Ptolemy II model control panel.
ModelPane |
ModelPane is a panel for interacting with an executing Ptolemy II model.
ModelRepaintController |
A class to do scheduled repaints at certain user specified moments in
the execution of the model.
MoMLApplet |
This is an applet that constructs a Ptolemy II model from a MoML file.
MoMLApplication |
An application that sets the look and feel to the native look
and feel and then reads one or more
files specified on the command line, or instantiates one or
more Java classes specified by the -class option.
MoMLSimpleApplication | Deprecated
MoMLSimpleApplication instead. |
MoMLSimpleStatisticalApplication |
A simple application that reads in a .xml file as a command
line argument, runs it and prints out time and memory statistics
MoMLApplication sets the look and feel, which starts up Swing,
so we can't use MoMLApplication for non-graphical simulations.
OpenInstanceDialog |
This class is a non-modal dialog that displays the current state of
parameters of an instance.
PasswordAttribute |
An attribute that represents a password.
PlotEffigy |
An effigy for a plot file.
PlotEffigy.Factory |
A factory for creating new effigies.
PlotTableau |
A tableau representing a plot in a toplevel window.
PlotTableau.Factory |
A factory that creates a plot tableau for Ptolemy models.
PlotTableauFrame |
PlotTableauFrame is a version of PlotFrame in the plot package that
works more closely with the Ptolemy actor.gui infrastructure.
PlotTableauFrame.EPSFileFilter |
Display only .eps files.
PortConfigurer | Deprecated
This class is no longer used.
PortConfigurerDialog |
This class is a non-modal dialog for configuring the ports of an
PortConfigurerDialog.PortBooleanCellRenderer |
Render a boolean cell.
PortConfigurerDialog.StringCellRenderer |
Default renderer for _portTable.
PortConfigurerDialog.ValidatingComboBoxCellEditor |
A validating ComboBox table cell editor for use with JTable.
PtExecuteApplication |
This application executes Ptolemy II models specified on the
command line.
PtolemyApplet |
This class provides a convenient way to make applets out of Ptolemy II
PtolemyApplication |
This application opens run control panels for models specified on the
command line.
PtolemyDialog |
Ptolemy specific dialog.
PtolemyEffigy |
An effigy for a Ptolemy II model.
PtolemyEffigy.Factory |
A factory for creating new Ptolemy effigies.
PtolemyEffigy.FactoryWithoutNew |
A factory for creating new Ptolemy effigies, but without the
capability of creating a new blank effigy.
PtolemyFrame |
This is a top-level window for Ptolemy models with a menubar and status bar.
PtolemyPreferences |
Default preferences definition for Vergil.
PtolemyQuery |
This class is a query dialog box with various entries for setting
the values of Ptolemy II attributes that implement the Settable
interface and have visibility FULL.
PtolemyTableauFactory |
This is an intermediate container tableau factory that is designed to contain
all tableau factories in a configuration that are capable of displaying a
Ptolemy II model.
QueryUtilities |
This class contains utility methods for Ptolemy Query classes
that access the configuration.
RenameConfigurer |
This class is an editor widget to rename an object.
RenameDialog |
This class is a modal dialog box for renaming an object.
RunTableau |
A tableau that creates a new run control panel for a ptolemy model.
RunTableau.Factory |
A factory that creates run control panel tableaux for Ptolemy models.
RunTableau.TopFactory |
A factory that creates run control panel tableaux for the model
associated with a top-level effigy (one that has a file
SizeAttribute |
This attribute stores the width and height of a graphical component.
Tableau |
A tableau is a visual representation of a Ptolemy II model in a top-level
TableauFactory |
This class is an attribute that creates a tableau to view a specified effigy.
TableauFrame |
This is a top-level window associated with a tableau that has
a menubar and status bar.
TableauFrame.ExtensionFileFilter | Deprecated
Use diva.gui.ExtensionFileFilter or javax.swing.filechooser.FileNameExtensionFilter
TableauFrame.MenuItemListener |
A Listener for menu items.
TextEditor |
A top-level window containing a simple text editor or viewer.
TextEditorTableau |
A tableau representing a text window.
TextEditorTableau.Factory |
A factory that creates text editor tableaux for Ptolemy models.
TextEffigy |
An effigy for a text file.
TextEffigy.Factory |
A factory for creating new effigies.
TokenEffigy |
An effigy for a file that contains one or more tokens, one per line,
represented as text in the expression language.
TokenEffigy.Factory |
A factory for creating new effigies.
TokenTableau |
A tableau representing one or more tokens in a top-level window with
a text editor.
TokenTableau.Factory |
A factory that creates a token tableau.
TransitionEditorPaneFactory |
An editor for a transition.
UserActorLibrary |
Access the User Actor Library.
WelcomeWindow |
A toplevel frame that can view HTML documents, but has no menus.
WelcomeWindowTableau |
A tableau representing a rendered HTML view in a toplevel window that
has no menu choices.
WindowPropertiesAttribute |
This attribute stores properties of a window, including the width,
height, and location.
This package consists of several types of classes:
The configuration.xml file defines a set of properties and entities that determine what editors are available to view a model.
It is possible to invoke Ptolemy models without using the
configuration system, see MoMLSimpleApplication
The Configuration
class is in charge of
the user interface, it coordinates views of multiple models. The
Configuration class manages the opening of new models by ensuring
that the appropriate viewer is used.
The Configuration class contains a ModelDirectory
, which is a directory of open
models. Each open model is represented by an instance of an
An Effigy represents model metadata, such as the location from
which the model originated, whether the model has been modified.
See Effigy
for a discussion about
why the class is called "Effigy".
Each open model has an Effigy. The Effigy contains a
that is a visual representation
of the model in a top-level window. The Tableau contains
a javax.swing.JFrame, which may be accessed via
the Configuration
class to open a
ConfigurationApplication uses these steps
EffigyFactory.createEffigy(CompositeEntity, URL,
for each factory.
is called, which returns a Tableau. The Tableau contains
a reference to the javax.swing.JFrame that is a view on the model.
Class Name | UsesOptionally reads parameters from the command line? | Calls RemoveGraphicalClasses ? |
instantiates a Java class named as an argument.
The Java class should extend TypedCompositeActor and
have a director. This class is not often used.
No | No | No |
is similar to CompositeActorApplication but this class
does not handle Placeable classes.
This class is not often used.
No | No | No |
MoMLSimpleApplication is a simple
example of how to invoke a model
No | No | Yes |
extends MoMLSimpleApplication and
prints out statistics about the run. See also
CompositeEntity.statistics(String) .
This class is not often used.
No | No | Yes |
extends MoMLSimpleApplication and optionally sets
parameters from the command line.
No | Yes | Yes |
ConfigurationApplication |
Yes | Yes | Optionally, by setting _removeGraphicalClasses |
MoMLApplication |
Yes | Yes | No, this class sets the Look and Feel, which invokes Java's UI code |
PtolemyApplication extends
MoMLApplication and opens a RunTableau
for the specified models. This class is not often used.
Yes | Yes | No, this class sets the Look and Feel, which invokes Java's UI code |
PtExecuteApplication extends
MoMLApplication and in the default opens a RunTableau
for the specified models and then executes the models.
This class is not often used.
Yes | Yes | No, this class sets the Look and Feel, which invokes Java's UI code |
VergilApplication extends
MoMLApplication and opens the Vergil graphical editor |
Yes | Yes | No, this class sets the Look and Feel, which invokes Java's UI code |