Class | Description |
ApplyFilterOverArray |
This is an atomic actor that filters an array received at its
inputArray input port via applying a model specified by a
file or URL.
ApplyFunction |
This actor applies a function to its inputs and outputs the
ApplyFunctionOverSequence | Deprecated
Use SequenceToArray followed by ApplyFunction.
Case |
An actor that executes one of several refinements depending on the
value provided by the control port-parameter.
CaseDirector |
An CaseDirector governs the execution of a Case actor.
ExecuteActor |
This is a composite actor that can execute the contained model
completely, as if it were a top-level model, on each firing.
ExecuteCompositeActor |
This is a composite actor that can execute the contained model
completely, as if it were a top-level model, on each firing.
IterateOverArray |
This actor iterates the contained actor or model over input arrays.
IterateOverArray.IterateComposite |
This is a specialized composite actor for use in IterateOverArray.
IterateOverArray.IteratePort |
This is a specialized port for IterateOverArray.
LifeCycleManager |
This is a composite actor with some services for life-cycle management.
MirrorComposite |
A composite that contains one actor and mirror the ports and
parameters of that actor.
MirrorComposite.MirrorCompositeContents |
This is a specialized composite actor for use in MirrorComposite.
MirrorPort |
This port mirrors the properties of an associated port.
MobileFunction | Deprecated
Use ApplyFunction.
MobileModel |
This is a composite actor with an input port that accepts MoML descriptions
of changes that are applied to the contents.
ModelReference |
This is an atomic actor that can execute a model specified by
a file or URL.
ModelUtilities |
A collection of utilities for manipulating a Ptolemy model.
MultiCompositeActor |
A composite actor that can have several refinements.
MultiCompositePort |
A port for multi-composite actors.
MultiInstanceComposite |
TypedCompositeActor that creates multiple
instances of itself during the preinitialize phase of model execution. |
RealTimeComposite | Deprecated
ThreadedComposite instead |
Refinement |
This typed composite actor supports mirroring of its ports in its container
(which is required to be a MultiCompositeActor), which in turn assures
mirroring of ports in each of the refinements and the controller.
RefinementPort |
A port for controllers and refinements in modal models.
ReflectComposite |
A composite that contains one actor and mirror the ports and
parameters of that actor.
ReflectComposite.ReflectCompositeContents |
This is a specialized composite actor for use in ReflectComposite.
RunCompositeActor |
This is a composite actor that can execute the contained model
completely, as if it were a top-level model, on each firing.
ThreadedComposite |
A container for another actor that executes that other actor
in a separate thread called the inside thread.
ThreadedComposite.TokenFrame |
Bundle data associated with ports and a time stamp.