Ptolemy II 2.0.1 Windows Installer

This page covers installing Ptolemy II via a traditional Windows Installer

Other formats include:

  • Accessing Ptolemy II demonstration applets via the web
  • Installing Ptolemy II via the web using Web Start
  • Installing Ptolemy II by downloading source and recompiling
  • Downloads

  • Run the Ptolemy II installer as an applet
  • or
  • Download the Ptolemy II 17.4 Mb Windows executable file
  • Documentation

  • The "Using Vergil" chapter from the Ptolemy II Design Document
  • Detailed Ptolemy II Installation instructions.
  • Limitations
  • Installation Instructions

    1. Install Java, if necessary

    Ptolemy II requires Java 1.2 or later. Java 1.3.1_04 is preferred.

    Note that under Java 1.4.0_01, viewing local applets that have spaces in the path name may fail if the applet tries to download a data file. The workaround is to place the Ptplot distribution in a directory that does not have space in the pathname. For details, see the Troubleshooting Guide.

    Note further that the code generator will not work under JDK1.4.0 or later because of limitations in Soot.
    For details, see the Code Generations documentation.

    One way to determine what version of Java (if any) is installed is to run our Java Version Applet , which uses the Java 1.3 plug-in. Another way is to run the command below to see whether you have Java installed, and whether it is the proper version:

    java -version
    If the command cannot be found, or the version that is printed is less than 1.3, you should install the plug-in, JRE 1.3, or JDK 1.3

    JRE vs. JDK

    To run Ptolemy II, the Java runtime environment (JRE) is sufficient.
    To run the applets in a browser, the Java plug-in is required. The JRE is bundled with the plug-in, so downloading the plug-in also installs the JRE.
    To extend Ptolemy II with your own Java code, the Java development kit (JDK) or an equivalent Java development environment is required. The JDK includes a Java compiler.
    Note that the Ptolemy II installers on this page do not include source files. If you want to extend Ptolemy II by writing your own actors, then download the source and recompile.

    Java 3D

    Java 3D is necessary to run the GR domain.
    See the GR domain documentation for details.
    Note that Java 3D 1.3 will not work with the ViewScreen actor, see the limitations page for a workaround.


  • Windows JRE: The Java runtime environment, JRE (no Java compiler), U.S. English only (5.4 Mb):
  • Windows JRE: The Java runtime environment, JRE (no Java compiler), International (9.1 Mb):
  • Full JDK, or other Platforms:
  • Windows Java 3D runtime necessary to run the GR domain (2.7 Mb): java3d-1_2_1_04-win32-directx-rt.exe
  • Java 3D for other platforms and for recompiling:
  • 2. Install Ptolemy II
  • Run the installer as an applet. This applet, built with a commercial product from Zero G Inc., will install Ptolemy II, from Berkeley, on your machine.
    If you choose to install via the applet, a dialog will pop up asking if you will grant permission to run software from Zero G Software. To continue with the installation process, click on the 'Grant' button.
  • or
  • Download a 17.4 Mb Windows executable, and execute it.