Ptolemy II 5.0.1 Limitations

The Ptolemy II 5.0.1 Release notes list limitations. The Vergil welcome window has a link to a similar list.

If you find bugs, check the limitations page inside Vergil, then check this page, and then send email to ptolemy at eecs berkeley edu.

In your email, please be sure to list

  • What operating system you are operating under (Windows XP sp1? Solaris 8?)
  • What version of Java you are running. (Run java -version, or use our Java Version Applet )
  • Whether the problem occurs in
  • Vergil
  • The local version of the web pages
  • The PtolemyII 5.0.1 website version of the web pages
  • The Web Start version
  • Ptolemy II Bugzilla links

    Places to go

  • Online Applet Demonstrations and Documentation
  • Ptolemy II Design Document
  • Bug Fixes
    Problem surrounding saving in the library
    This change is not present in Ptolemy II 5.0, but is present in Ptolemy II 5.0.1
    Stephen Neuendorffer writes:
    I think it's my fault... I've checked in a fix.
    Basically: The mechanism for has changed slightly in version 5.0: it
    now uses the class mechanism for keeping track of the user library.
    The user library is a class and when vergil loads it instantiates a
    single instance of the class.  In this case, the actor was being saved
    in the instance, but not in the class, meaning that it was not being
    saved back to the file.
    If you download the source, you can patch the code:
    Below is an updated patch, or you can download and replace $PTII/ptolemy/vergil/basicl/
    cxh@maury 162% diff  ~ptII/ptweb/ptolemyII/ptII5.0/ptII/ptolemy/vergil/basic/ .
    <    @version $Id$
    >    @version $Id$
    <             CompositeEntity library = (CompositeEntity) configuration.getEntity(
    >             CompositeEntity libraryInstance =
    >                 (CompositeEntity) configuration.getEntity(
    <             if (library == null) {
    >             if (libraryInstance == null) {
    <             configuration.openModel(library);
    >             // Note that the library in the configuration is an
    >             // instance of another model.  We have to go get the
    >             // original model to make sure that the change propagates
    >             // back to the file from which the library is loaded from.
    >             Tableau libraryTableau = configuration.openModel(libraryInstance);
    >             PtolemyEffigy libraryEffigy =
    >                 (PtolemyEffigy)libraryTableau.getContainer();
    >             CompositeEntity library =
    >                 (CompositeEntity)libraryEffigy.getModel();
    Continuing with Steve's analysis:
    Alternatively, you can right click on the user library and "open" it...
    Then paste whatever you want in.
    On a related note, while trying this out, I ran across a nasty bug I
    haven't seen before:
    If you have an unnamed composite actor it's name is the empty string.
    If you use the dotted notation to access something inside it (e.g.,
    the _location attribute), then it's name is "._location"
    unfortunately, names that begin with a dot are 'special' and are
    interpreted relative to the toplevel.
    You can see this problem if you open a new model, do graph -> Save
    Model in Library to save to the library, and then try to drag it in
    the library.  Vergil tries to reference it's _location attribute, but
    fails because of the above.
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: 
    > [] On 
    > Behalf Of Edward A. Lee
    > Sent: Monday, August 08, 2005 12:07 PM
    > To: Reilly, Timothy (MN17)
    > Cc:
    > Subject: Re: another question on libraries
    > Indeed there seems to be a bug here...
    > When I do "Save Actor In Library" on an actor, I get the library
    > file opened ( ~/.ptolemyII/UserLibrary.xml), but the actor is not in
    > it.  Strangely, the actor is in the UserLibrary in the actor library
    > menu.  But why aren't these two the same thing?
    > I'll look into it, unless anyone else knows offhand what's up...
    > Edward
    > At 01:30 PM 8/4/2005 -0700, Reilly, Timothy (MN17) wrote:
    > >I have spent a lot of time with this library stuff the last two days 
    > >and I am pretty confused.
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >I use utilities composite actor on a sheet.  I change the name of
    > >composite actor to radar_if.  I then open a new sheet and open my
    > >model of radar_if, the guts of the radar_if composite model.  I
    > >copy what is in this sheet, look inside the composite actor
    > >radar_if, and paste what was in the radar_if model into the inside
    > >of the composite actor radar_if.  I then close the sheet with the
    > >model of radar_if , close the sheet of the composite actor
    > >radar_if.  I now have a sheet with a compsite actor radar_if, all
    > >the right ports and names, and additionally the composite actor is
    > >in the userlibrary.  So far so good.  For good measure I save the
    > >new composite actor as radar_ifcomposite.  I then highlight the
    > >composite actor and click save actor to library, it says the actor
    > >is already in the library.  The timestamp on userlibrary is usually
    > >within a minute of all of this.  I shut down Ptolemy, restart and
    > >the library I just made is not visible, and if I load the library
    > >UserLibrary.xml in my directory (C:\Documents and
    > >Settings\E223049\.ptolemyII) it is empty.
    > >
    > It looks like this:
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > ><entity name="UserLibrary" class="ptolemy.moml.EntityLibrary"/
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >It is like the UserLibrary does not actually get written, although
    > >some write happens because the timestamps are about right.  What is
    > >going on?  Please help me with this.  I guess I can just load my
    > >composite actor separately.  That is starting to look pretty good
    > >to me.
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >Thanks,
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >Tim
    > ------------
    > Edward A. Lee

    Know Limitations

  • Running a Matlab Demo twice will crash Ptolemy!
  • Matlab interface has problems work with gcc-3.3 Under Windows, the Matlab interface has problems at runtime with gcc-3.3.
    Under Windows, we recommend using gcc-3.2.
  • The quick tour in the applets needs to be updated.
  • See the Ptolemy II 5.0.1 Release notes for known limitations.
  • The Higher Order Components ModelReference demo does not work under Web Start.
  • The PSDF Blind Communication demo does not run under Web Start, the message is:
    ptolemy.kernel.util.IllegalActionException: The number of elements in the
    input ArrayToken (2047) is not the same as the arrayLength parameter (2048).
  • If an icon file is not present, then a Vergil applet might try to download the icon file multiple times. Ptolemy II uses XML files to store icons. For example $PTII/ptolemy/actor/lib/BooleanSwitchIcon.xml is an icon for $PTII/ptolemy/actor/lib/
    The problem is that if an actor does not have an icon file, then the applet may go back to the server multiple times looking for the icon.
  • The code generator GUI has been removed from the configuration, instead use $PTII/bin/copernicus.
  • Plot windows don't resize when control panel is resized
    If a model with plotters is executed using the run button on the toolbar, and then re-executed using the run control panel accessed through the View menu, then resizing the run control panel does not cause the plots to resize to fit.
    Workaround: Close the model and re-open it, and then run first using the run control panel.
  • Printing a model that contains transparent objects can result in problems when printing to Encapsulated Postscript (EPS).
    If a model has transparent objects, then when it is printed to EPS, the resulting file is a bitmap instead of a Postscript description of the graphics. You can tell by the file size (several Meg vs. several K) and by opening it in Illustrator, where in theory you should be able to ungroup and select and edit individual components.
    The way Java prints EPS is that there is an implementation of Graphics2D that literally translates each graphics2D call into a Postscript snippet. If Java detects any transparent colors or images, then the literal translation of each element independently doesn't work, so the printing code reverts to writing everything to an image and then sending the image, encapsulated in Postscript to the printer.
    Solution1: Use one of these pdf writing programs to generate pdf-1.4 compliant pdf files, which have extensions to support transparency that Postscript lacks, and then print them to eps, which would use the distill implementation of the above algorithm. Or alternatively, we could switch to using pdftex instead of latex->dvips->distill which should embed pdf for figures directly at the expense of less robust latex support.
    Solution 2: Use the undocumented flag -Dsun.java2d.print.pipeline=pdl on the command line to force the printing to use the postscript path, ignoring transparency. Under Cygwin:
    export JAVAFLAGS=-Dsun.java2d.print.pipeline=pdl
    Then edit the file by hand in Illustrator to add the transparency back in.