
Executable entities.


Interface Summary
Actor An Actor is an executable entity.
ActorFiringListener A FiringEventListener listens for events that are issued during AtomicActor's iterations.
ApplicationConfigurer A marker interface indicating that a class is used to configure a Ptolemy IIapplication.
Executable This interface defines the action methods, which determine how an object can be invoked.
ExecutionListener An ExecutionListener listens for events that are issued during the execution of a model by a Manager.
FiringsRecordable Interface for entities that can report FiringEvents.
Initializable This interface defines a subset of the action methods for initialization and wrapup.
IOPortEventListener Listen for events that are issued during the send(), broadcast(), sendInside(), get(), getInside() function calls of an IOPort.
QuasiTransparentDirector This is a marker interface for modal directors.
Receiver Interface for objects that can hold tokens.
StateReceiver This is a marker interface for receivers that have state semantics.
SuperdenseTimeDirector This is an interface for directors that use a superdense model of time.
TimedActor This is a marker interface for actors that operate on time-based signals.
TimedDirector This is an interface for directors that direct the executions of timed actors.
TokenGotListener Deprecated. Use IOPortEventListener instead.
TokenSentListener Deprecated. Use IOPortEventListener instead.
TypedActor A TypedActor is an actor whose ports have types.
TypeListener An interface implemented by objects that are interested in being kept informed about type changes in a Typeable object.

Class Summary
AbstractReceiver An abstract implementation of the Receiver interface.
AtomicActor An AtomicActor is an executable entity that cannot itself contain other actors.
CausalityMarker This is a marker that stores list of a sets of dependent ports.
CompositeActor A CompositeActor is an aggregation of actors.
DesignPatternGetMoMLAction An action that generates the Moml for a group of states to be used as a design pattern.
Director A Director governs the execution within a CompositeActor.
DoNothingDirector A director that does nothing, for use in models that have no useful execution.
FiringEvent An event that is published by directors whenever an actor is activated.
FiringEvent.FiringEventType A type of firing event that can be published.
GraphReader This class provides methods for converting Ptolemy II models into generic graph representations.
IOPort This class supports exchanging data between entities via message passing.
IOPortEvent An event that is published by an IOPort when a token or tokens are sent or received.
IORelation This class mediates connections between ports that can send data to one another via message passing.
LazyTypedCompositeActor An aggregation of typed actors with lazy evaluation.
Mailbox A token holder with capacity one.
Manager A Manager governs the execution of a model in a domain-independent way.
Manager.State Instances of this class represent phases of execution, or the state of the manager.
QueueReceiver A first-in, first-out (FIFO) queue receiver with variable capacity and optional history.
RelationWidthInference A class that offers convenience utility methods to infer the widths of relations in a composite actor.
StreamExecutionListener A default implementation of the ExecutionListener interface.
TokenGotEvent Deprecated. Use IOPortEvent instead.
TokenSentEvent Deprecated. Use IOPortEvent instead.
TypeAttribute An attribute for defining a data type for a port.
TypedAtomicActor A TypedAtomicActor is an AtomicActor whose ports and parameters have types.
TypedCompositeActor A TypedCompositeActor is an aggregation of typed actors.
TypedIOPort An IOPort with a type.
TypedIORelation This class overrides some of the methods in IORelation to ensure that TypedIOPorts are only connected to TypedIOPorts.
TypeEvent A TypeEvent represents a type change on a Typeable object.
TypeOpaqueCompositeActor A composite actor whose ports have types, but the actors inside are not required to be typed.

Exception Summary
InvariantViolationException Thrown when an invariant is violated.
NoRoomException This exception is thrown when an attempt is made to put a token into a receiver that does not have room to accommodate one.
NoTokenException This exception is thrown when an attempt is made to get a token from a receiver that does not contain one.
TypeConflictException Thrown on detecting type conflicts.

Package Description

Executable entities.

Ptolemy II 0.2