Package ptolemy.copernicus.c

The ptolemy.copernicus.c package.


Class Summary
AnalysisUtilities This class provides utilities for analyzing classes, methods and fields.
CallGraphPruner Class that uses the Soot Framework to find out which methods/classes are really needed for code generation.
ClassStructureGenerator A file that generates code for the C structure corresponding to a class.
CNames A class that determines names of various entities to use for C code generation.
CodeFileGenerator A C code generator for generating "code files" (.c files) that implement Java classes.
CodeGenerator A base class for C code generators in Ptolemy II.
Context A class that maintains context information for C code generation.
CSwitch An implementation of the visitor design pattern that generates C code from Jimple statements.
CWriter A transformer that writes C source code.
ExceptionTracker A class that keeps track of Exceptions and Traps.
FileHandler A class that takes care of common File I/O functions.
HeaderFileGenerator A C code generator for generating "header files" (.h files) that implement Java classes.
InstanceOfFunctionGenerator A class that generates code that performs lookup operations to implement the "instanceof" operator.
InstanceStructureGenerator A class that generates code for the C structure corresponding to an instance of a class (an Object).
InterfaceLookupGenerator A class that generates code that performs lookup operations for disambiguation of interfaces.
JavaToC An application that converts a Java class (from a class file) into C source files (a .h file and a .c file) that implement the class.
Main Read in a MoML model, generate .c files with very few dependencies on Ptolemy II.
MainFileGenerator A C code generator for generating the c file containing the wrapper "main" method.
MakeFileGenerator A class that generates the makefile for the given class.
MakefileGenerator_C6000 This class generates a makefile specific to the TMS320C6xxx.
MethodCodeGenerator Class that encapsulates functionality for generating C code from a SootMethod.
MethodListGenerator A class that extracts ordered lists of method declarations with an ordering convention that facilitates translation of methods into function pointers (e.g., for C code generation).
NativeMethodGenerator A class that handles generation and management of native methods.
Options A class that keeps track of compiler options.
OverriddenMethodGenerator A class that handles generation and management of Java methods that are over-ridden by pre-defined C code.
RequiredFileGenerator A class that generates the other required files in the transitive closure.
StubFileGenerator A C code generator for generating "stub header files" that implement Java classes.
Utilities This class provides basic utilities used across a variety of classes.

Package ptolemy.copernicus.c Description

The ptolemy.copernicus.c package.

Ptolemy II 0.2