
The package.


Interface Summary
AtomicActorCreator An interface for classes that replaces port methods.
CodeGenerationScope An interface used by the expression code generator for identifier lookup.

Class Summary
CommandLineTemplate This class is similar to CompositeActorApplication, except that it does not parse command line elements.
CommandLineTransformer A transformer that adds the command-line interface.
ConstantLoopUnroller A Transformer that attempts to determine the bounds of a loop at compile time, and then unroll the loop.
DataUtilities This class consists of ptolemy-specific static utility methods for use with Soot.
DataUtilities.ActorCodeGenerationScope An inner class used by the generateExpressionCode() method.
DeadObjectEliminator A transformer that removes unnecessary object creations.
ExceptionEliminator Replace instances of Ptolemy exceptions with instances of plain old RuntimeException.
FieldOptimizationTransformer A Transformer that is responsible for inlining the values of parameters.
FieldsForAttributesTransformer A transformer that is responsible for replacing references to attributes.
FieldsForEntitiesTransformer A transformer that is responsible for replacing references to entities.
FieldsForPortsTransformer A transformer that is responsible for replacing references to ports Any calls to the getPort() method are replaced with a field reference to the field of the appropriate class that points to the correct port.
FinalFieldUnfinalizer The code generator generates fields that are final.
GiottoPortInliner A class that inlines methods on ports for Giotto models.
HSPortInliner A class that inlines methods on ports for HS models.
InlineDirectorTransformer A transformer that inlines an SDF director.
InlineParameterTransformer A Transformer that is responsible for inlining the values of parameters and settable attributes.
InlinePortTransformer A Transformer that is responsible for inlining the communication between ports.
InlineTokenTransformer A Transformer that is responsible for inlining the values of tokens.
Main Read in a MoML model and generate Java classes for that model.
ModelTransformer A transformer that creates a class to represent the model specified in the constructor.
NamedObjAnalysis An analysis that establishes a correspondence between each local variable that refers to a named obj in a method an the named object that it refers to.
NamedObjEqualityEliminator Replace method calls on parameter objects.
ParseTreeCodeGenerator This class visits parse trees and generates soot instructions that evaluate the parse tree.
ReplaceComplexParameters A Transformer that replaces complex parameters and attributes with a 'simpler' parameter with normal parameter semantics.
SDFPortInliner A class that inlines methods on ports for SDF models.
TestApplication A simple application that reads in a .xml file as a command line argument and runs it.
TokenConstructorAnalysis An analysis that establishes a constant value, if possible, of a token constructed at a particular statement.
TokenInstanceofEliminator A transformer that removes unnecessary instanceof checks for tokens.
TokenToNativeTransformer A transformer that is responsible for unboxing tokens, i.e. replacing the token with the value that is contained by that token.
TokenTypeAnalysis An analysis that maps each local variable that represents a token onto the particular type of the token.
TypeSpecializer A transformer that modifies each class using the token types from ports.
TypeSpecializerAnalysis A transformer that modifies each class using the token types from ports.
TypeTag A tag that references a ptolemy token type.
UnreachableMethodRemover A transformer that removes methods that are not reachable.
ValueTag A tag that references an object.

Package Description

The package.

Ptolemy II 0.2