5  Invoking Methods

Every element and subexpression in an expression represents an instance of the Token class in Ptolemy II (or more likely, a class derived from Token). The expression language supports invocation of any method of a given token, as long as the arguments of the method are of type Token and the return type is Token (or a class derived from Token, or something that the expression parser can easily convert to a token, such as a string, double, int, etc.). The syntax for this is (token ).methodName(args), where methodName is the name of the method and args is a comma-separated set of arguments. Each argument can itself be an expression. Note that the parentheses around the token are not required, but might be useful for clarity. As an example, the ArrayToken and RecordToken classes have a length() method, illustrated by the following examples:
{1, 2, 3}.\index{length()}
{a=1, b=2, c=3}.length()

each of which returns the integer 3.
The MatrixToken classes have three particularly useful methods, illustrated in the following examples:
[1, 2; 3, 4; 5, 6].\index{getRowCount()}

which returns 3, and
[1, 2; 3, 4; 5, 6].getColumnCount()

which returns 2, and
[1, 2; 3, 4; 5, 6].toArray()

which returns 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. The latter function can be particularly useful for creating arrays using MATLAB-style syntax. For example, to obtain an array with the integers from 1 to 100, you can enter:

6  Casting

The cast function can be used to explicitly cast a value into a type.
When the cast function is invoked with cast(type, value), where type is the target type and value is the value to be cast, a new value is returned (if a predefined casting is applicable) that is in the specified type. For example, cast(long, 1) yields 1L, which is equal to 1 but is in the long data type, and cast(string, 1) yields "1", which is in the string data type.

6.1  Object Types

An object token encapsulates a Java object. Methods defined in the Java class of that object can be invoked in an expression. For example, in a model that contains an actor named C, C in an expression may refer to that actor in an object token.
An object token has a type, which is an object type that is specific for the class of the encapsulated Java object or any class that is a superclass of that class. For example, with C being a Const actor, expression C is of an object type that is specific to the Java class
An object type specific to Java class A can be specified with object(Ä"), and its value is null. Comparison between object tokens is by reference with the Java objects that they encapsulate. Therefore, object(Ä") == object("B") is always true, because the values in both tokens are null.

6.2  Relationship between Object Types

An object type A is more specific than object type B if the Java class represented by A is a subclass of that represented by B.
For example, object("") is more specific than object("") and object("ptolemy.kernel.Port").
The most general object type is object (without any argument). Conceptually it encapsulates a null class (which, of course, does not exist in Java). The most specific object type is object("$BottomClass") (which is not very useful in practice). The family of object types forms a lattice.

6.3  Object Tokens

Object tokens are tokens of object types. A predefined object token is null, which has null as the value and the null class as the Java class. Its type is object. It is special in that it can be cast into any object type. For example, you can cast it into a port with cast(object("ptolemy.kernel.Port"), null). If you enter this in the expression evaluator, you shall see the stringification of the token as öbject(null: ptolemy.kernel.Port)".
(Notice that the string here is not a valid Ptolemy expression. In fact, most object tokens do not have string representations that are valid expressions, and therefore, they cannot be stored permanently in a Ptolemy model.)
Except for null, for a Ptolemy expression that evaluates to an object token, the Java class represented by that token's type is always the most specific class. For example, if C is a Const actor, then C in an expression refers to an object token that has actor C as its value, and object("") as its type. You can cast this type into a more general actor type by doing cast(object(""), C).

6.4  Casting between Object Types

An object token can be cast into a different object type, as long as the target object type represents a Java class that the encapsulated object is in. That class need not always be a superclass of the class that the object type represents.
For example, again let C be a Const actor. As discussed, the following expression casts it into a more general actor type:
    cast(object(""), C)

The result of the cast is another object token with C as its value and object("") as its type. That token can be casted back into one of a more specific object type:
    cast(object(""), C))

This is valid because the value C is in any of the mentioned classes.
As mentioned, null is a special object token that can be cast into any object type. Any object token can also be cast into the most general object type, which is object. The only object that can be cast into the most specific object type, object("$BottomClass"), is null.

6.5  Method Invocation

Native Java methods may be invoked on the objects encapsulated in object tokens.
For example, if C is a Const actor, C.portList() returns a list of its ports. The returned list itself is a Java object in the class java.util.List, so it is encapsulated in an object token. You may further invoke C.portList().isEmpty() to test whether the list is empty. In that case, the isEmpty method is invoked on the returned list. The isEmpty method returns a Java boolean value, and the boolean type corresponds to the Ptolemy boolean data type, so the value is converted into the latter type.