8 Built-In Functions
The expression language includes a set of functions, such as sin(), cos(), etc. The functions that
are built in include all static methods of the classes shown in
Table 2, which together provide a rich set
. The functions currently available
are shown in the tables in the appendix, which also show the argument
types and return types.
Table 2: The classes whose static methods are available as functions
in the expression langauge
java.lang.Math | ptolemy.math.IntegerMatrixMath |
java.lang.Double | ptolemy.math.DoubleMatrixMath |
java.lang.Integer | ptolemy.math.ComplexMatrixMath |
java.lang.Long | ptolemy.math.LongMatrixMath |
java.lang.String | ptolemy.math.IntegerArrayMath |
ptolemy.data.MatrixToken. | ptolemy.math.DoubleArrayStat |
ptolemy.data.RecordToken. | ptolemy.math.ComplexArrayMath |
ptolemy.data.expr.UtilityFunctions | ptolemy.math.LongArrayMath |
ptolemy.data.expr.FixPointFunctions | ptolemy.math.SignalProcessing |
ptolemy.math.Complex | ptolemy.math.FixPoint |
ptolemy.math.ExtendedMath | ptolemy.data.ObjectToken |
In most cases, a function that operates on scalar arguments can also operate on arrays and matrices. Thus, for example, you can fill a row vector with a sine wave using an expression like
Or you can construct an array as follows,
sin({0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3})
Functions that operate on type double will also generally
operate on int, short, or unsignedByte, because
these can be losslessly converted to double, but not generally
on long or complex. Tables of available functions are shown in the
appendix. For example, Table 4 shows
trigonometric functions. Note that these operate on double or
complex, and hence on int, short and
unsignedByte, which can be losslessly converted to double. The
result will always be double. For example,
>> cos(0)
These functions will also operate on matrices and arrays, in addition
to the scalar types shown in the table, as illustrated above. The
result will be a matrix or array of the same size as the argument, but
always containing elements of type double
Table 10 shows other arithmetic functions beyond the
trigonometric functions. As with the trigonometric functions, those
that indicate that they operate on double will also work on
int, short and unsignedByte, and unless they
indicate otherwise, they will return whatever they return when the
argument is double. Those functions in the table that take scalar
arguments will also operate on matrices and arrays. For example, since
the table indicates that the max() function can take int,
int as arguments, then by implication, it can also take int,
int. For example,
>> max({1, 2}, {2, 1})
{2, 2}
Notice that the table also indicates that max() can take int as an argument. E.g.
>> max({1, 2, 3})
In the former case, the function is applied pointwise to the two
arguments. In the latter case, the returned value is the maximum over
all the contents of the single argument.
Table 10 shows functions that only work with matrices, arrays, or records (that is, there is no corresponding
scalar operation). Recall that most functions that operate on scalars will also operate on
arrays and matrices. Table 11 shows utility functions for evaluating expressions given as strings or representing
numbers as strings. Of these, the eval() function is the most flexible.
A few of the functions have sufficiently subtle properties that they require further explanation. That explanation is here.
8.0.1 eval() and traceEvaluation()
The built-in function
eval() will evaluate a string as an expression in the expression language. For example,
eval("[1.0, 2.0; 3.0, 4.0]")
will return a matrix of doubles. The following combination can be used
read parameters from a file:
where the filename can be relative to the current working directory
(where Ptolemy II was started, as reported by the property
the user's home directory (as reported by the property
user.home), or the classpath, which includes the
directory tree in which Ptolemy II is installed. Note that if eval()
is used in an Expression actor, then it will be impossible for the
type system to infer any more specific output type than general. If
you need the output type to be more specific, then you will need to
cast the result of eval(). For example, to force it to type double:
>> cast(double, eval("pi/2"))
The traceEvaluation() function
evaluates an expression given as a string, much like eval(), but
instead of reporting the result, reports exactly how the expression
was evaluated. This can be used to debug expressions, particularly
when the expression language is extended by users.
8.0.2 random(), gaussian()
random() and
gaussian() shown in Table 10 return one or more random
numbers. With the minimum number of arguments (zero or two,
respectively), they return a single number. With one additional
argument, they return an array of the specified length. With a second
additional argument, they return a matrix with the specified number of
rows and columns.
There is a key subtlety when using these functions in Ptolemy II. In
particular, they are evaluated only when the expression within which
they appear is evaluated. The result of the expression may be used
repeatedly without re-evaluating the expression. Thus, for example, if
the value parameter of the Const actor is set to
random(), then its output will be a random constant, i.e., it
will not change on each firing. The output will change, however, on
successive runs of the model. In contrast, if this is used in an
Expression actor, then each firing triggers an evaluation of the
expression, and consequently will result in a new random number.
8.0.3 property()
The property() function accesses
system properties by name. Some possibly useful system properties are:
- ptolemy.ptII.dir: The directory in which Ptolemy II is installed.
- ptolemy.ptII.dirAsURL: The directory in which Ptolemy II is
installed, but represented as a URL.
- user.dir: The current working directory, which is usually the
directory in which the current executable was started.